Chapter 2- I'm Gonna Miss This Place

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Best friends are people you don't need to talk to every single day. You don't need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, it's as if you never stopped talking. - Tumblr

Oceans POV:

I thought I'd be okay with this.

I thought it'd be fine.

I was wrong.

Completely and utterly wrong. whole body aches with pain beyond compare.

I'm pretty sure I ate about half of the food here. I don't know what in my mind thought this was a good idea, but it's too late to do anything now. My stomach is practically bulging out and I'm pretty sure if I take one more bite I'm either going to puke or explode, either way one of them is bound to happen.

I'm just going to sit here for an hour and not move.

Just then my phone rang and I groaned loudly not really liking the idea of moving but answered it anyway without looking at the caller ID.

"Ocean!" Joy screamed through the phone before I could even say 'hello' causing me to fall hard on the floor. I really hated her and I'm sure not moving off this floor anytime soon.

I was about to scold her but the door bell rang. Somebody. Kill. Me. Now. Out of all the times people could have visited they choose the moment I'm in pain.

"WHY DO THE GODS HATE ME?!" I shouted. Yeah I might be acting a bit melodramatic but until you've been in my situation keep those thoughts to yourself.

"Hold on for a second Joy," I grumbled through the phone while getting up and making my way to the door, opening it only to be attacked and back on the floor again by none other than the person I was on the phone with.

She's so lucky right now I don't want to go to jail, 'cause with these images I'm thinking of at the moment I'm pretty sure I'd end up in a mental facility.

"I'm going to kill you." I grunted pushing her off me, only to see her tear stained cheeks making me feel guilty and forgetting about how I was mad.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked with concern. Joy never cries I've only seen her cry 3 times throughout the 10 years I've known her, right now being the third time. It was one of ways we were alike.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she sobbed sounding hurt.

I looked at her perplexed not understanding what she meant. I mean I tell her everything. Is there something I missed?

"My parents told me you were moving Saturday." She whispered.

"Oh yeah, well I just found out a couple hours ago and you told me not to call so I just waited for you to be done." I said looking down. Did they not tell her she could move too? I hope they don't expect me to break it to her.

"I would have made time! Ocean your my best friend you can't move and leave me all alone here." Yeah, they didn't tell her.

"Um Joy did your parents mention anything else? Other than me moving?" She shook her head no and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Well my parents told me something, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to. It's just an option." I said in a low voice I'm not even sure if she heard me. She nodded her head slowly telling me to continue.

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