Chapter 11- Moutain of Tears

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Some people care to much... I think it's called love - Winnie the Pooh

"Please, don't make me do this." I pleaded.

Chris sighed. I suppose out of frustration but you can't blame me. This is literally social suicide.

"Ocean, just think of how happy Aliyah would be." He said trying to get me to change my mind. Sadly, it worked.

"That could make her happy huh?" I thought. "And she is turning three." I continued. "But would having a clown really make her party anymore better? I'm sure with you two working on it her party will be memorable enough." I reasoned.

"Oh come on, I'm sure Axel will find you smoking hot with a tomato nose." Joy teased finally looking up from her phone. I tried to blush/smile glaring at her. I swear sometimes I just wanna knock some sense into her. I sure hope Chris didn't hear Ms. Big mouth.

"Who's Axel?" My eyes squeezed shit. Oh goody.

"No one important." I gave my best innocent smile.

"No one important." Joy scoffed. I glared at her more intensely pretty much screaming Bro shut the fuck up. I could tell she knew what I was saying because she smirked.

"Axel is Ocean's boyfriend. I guarantee they're going to be together forever." She blabbed. From now on I need to bring a roll of duct tape with me for blabber mouth. "They're still just getting warmed up but if they're alone in a room tog-"

"Alright I agree! I'll dress up as Krabby the Clown for all I care!" I yelled running to the door.

"Where's your phone?" Joy asked screaming.

"I fell asleep texting Ax-someone and it died so I'm just going to leave it on charge 'till I come back." I yelled.

I heard her laughing as I walked up to the door and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I guess she heard my stuttering at 'someone' and knows exactly who that 'someone' is.

You'll never guess who I saw about to knock right as I opened the door. Aaron and Rose. Didn't guess that did ya? Axel was in the background climbing out the car.

"Um, hello?" It came out more as a question then a greeting but I didn't expect to see them for a couple more minutes. You know, 'till we reached school premises.

I don't know what was going through Carter's head as he engulfed me in a hug. I couldn't even hug him back since my arms were stuck at me sides. "Hey buddy! Long time no see." I could practically see his huge smile.

I struggled but managed to look at the digital clock on a small table near the door. Okay, it's 7 am why the hell is he so happy? He's making me more pessimistic than I usually am by the second. "Whatcha guys doing?" I asked after Axel pulled Carter off me and glared at him.

"Picking you up." Axel answered simply. No smirk. No smile. Nothing.

I remember reading his text last night but being too tired to reply. I wanted too my phone died.

"Can I come in?" Axel said his lips tugging into a small smirk. I noticed Rose and Aaron walk away but I didn't mind them too much. Play it cool Ocean. Act as if you haven't been awkwardly staring at him.

"I wasn't staring at you it's just you have something on your..." I trailed off not knowing what to say. "Face." I finished. Swiped my thumb on his cheek to wipe away the none existent thing on his face. My eyes widened at what I just did. Oh gosh, good going Ocean you totally just did a mom move on him. You could have easily just told him you were lost in your own world or thinking of something else. Why are you so freaking awkward?

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