Chapter 14- Plan A

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Eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place -Unknown

\\Axel's POV//

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

The silence was suffocating but I didn't know what to say. This wasn't exactly how I planned it'd be. I used to imagine asking my mate in the most glorious way, but Joy told me she's more of a simple kind of girl. Not that I have a problem with that or her asking me out.

As I was about to answer her question Rose popped out with a cart full of food. No, not a handful I mean an actual cart. Where she got it I have no idea.

"Got the food!" Rose exclaimed rolling it towards Ocean on the ground. Ocean's eyes were still fixated on me. Answer her fucking question you dipshit. I was brought out of my thoughts opening me mouth to respond. It seemed as though faith was not on my side because soon after my mom called me in. I looked over at Ocean and gave her the "we'll talk later" look. I wanted it to just be me and her.

I walked in on my mom preparing dinner. I sighed standing beside her. "Axel, you're here. Could you get me some pepper please?" I did what was told but my mind was concentrated on Ocean. Would she pick me up for the date? Do I still pick her up? Who's planning it?

"What's wrong hun?" I looked at my mom and sighed.

"Ocean asked me out?"

She just stared at me confused. "And the problem?"

"I don't know what to do."

"Have you answered her question?"

"Well no. It's just-ugh, it's confusing."

"It's really not, you're just overthinking. If you're confused about something, here me out now. I know this kind of thing is rare in your generation but how about you talk to her about it." She gasped. I just gave her a blank look.

"Ha Ha, hilarious."

"Go to her and answer her question." She gestured her head to the backyard door.

"She's watching a movie with Rose right now and I know Rose was excited to hang out alone with her so I don't want to interrupt."

Right after I said that Ocean came up looking a bit nervous. She hid her hands behind her back her beautiful face looking down. "Sorry, but Rose forgot the drinks." She spoke in a quiet tone.

"It's okay, I have to go talk to Rose anyways." My mom walked past Ocean and when Ocean's back was facing her she turned around and mouthed "talk to her" before leaving.

I looked at Ocean but she was busy looking in the fridge and cabinets for the drinks I'm guessing. It looked like she was in a rush to get out of here and I could tell she was feeling uncomfortable. I didn't mean to make her to feel that way. I wanted her to feel relaxed and in peace. I wanted her in my arms. So why am I making this decision so difficult? "Hey." I scratched my neck awkwardly. Why the hell am I acting so nervous?

"Hey." She nonchalantly said as she continued rummaging through the kitchen.

I coughed still unsure how I should bring up my response to her question. "So... I've given some thought to your question and-"

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