Chapter 9- Alone At Last

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Strip for me but stay fully clothed, it's your mind not your body I want exposed - Unknown

Ugh... Why didn't I turn my alarm off? I whined in my head reaching for my phone but instead to touched someone's arms then chest.

I opened my eyes ready to attack whoever it was 'till I saw familiar ocean gemstone eyes watching me with amusement. Right, you share a bed Ocean. I gave him a confused look until I looked down and noticed my hands were still on his chest and our legs were tangled together. Damn! I knew he looked like he went to the gym but I didn't know he was this defined. I gave him an awkward smile before saying sorry and attempted to get up so I could shut off my alarm.

I guess he didn't like that because he tightened his hold on me. "Uh....could you like, I don't know... Let go?" I said looking down because of my morning breath. He just stared at me so I rolled my eyes and continued struggling against his hold.

"Alright dude, my alarm keeps ringing and it's pissing me off and I have to pee, so if you could get your arm off me I'd be a lot happier." I said a tad annoyed once I had finally given up.

He nodded finally letting go, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself." Holy damn! Now keep in mind I have never heard a guy's voice right when he woke up. I never knew what girls meant by husky voices, till now at least.

I stood momentarily frozen just at his voice. Can you blame me? He closed his eyes and took a deep whiff and when his eyes opened they were practically black. I noticed he looked stiff, like he was forcing himself not to move.

I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed my phone on the dresser next to the bed and placed it back after I turned off all the alarms. "Are you okay?" I asked slowly unsure if I set something off that made him like this. He closed his eyes once more and opened them again, difference was this time they were back to his normal blue green eyes.

He smiled, "Yeah I'm fine. Just got a little...uh," he scratched the back of his neck thinking. "Distracted?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh okay." I said not having the energy to question him. He let out a nervous laugh as I have a a curt nod and turned around.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around fast thinking something had happened but when he finished his sentence my face went blank. He, however looked terrified. Of what? Again I'm not sure, and I don't think I'll ever be completely sure of anything around him.

"The bathroom." I said pointing out the obvious. I mean I was headed right for it.

I saw his cheeks tint with pink and I tried to hold in my laughter. But that completely failed, on the bright side I only let out a chuckle. Walking into the bathroom I did all my business.

I wore a black tank top, ripped boyfriend jeans, and adidas original superstar shoes. Earlier on my phone I saw it was going to be a little cold outside, so I put on my army colored jacket.

I stepped out and unplugged my phone charger from the outlet and saw it was 11:00 am. I was going to give myself props for waking up early even though I stayed up late last night but it wasn't me that woke myself up naturally, it was that annoying ass alarm.

I sighed and turned to Axel, "Want some food?" I asked. He shook his head no and I grinned. "Alright I'm going downstairs to eat." I said walking away towards the door and was about to step out when Axel grabbed my arm.

"You know what, now that I gave it a second thought I actually would love some food." He smiled innocently and I rolled my eyes.

"Then go make you some?" I asked.

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