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Everyone was standing around looking at us, then the Beta spoke, "If she loves you like she says she does, then she has no problem shifting. As your Beta, I'm looking out for you and I will die for you. I'm sorry Alpha I just don't trust Jaclyn, we all think that she is lying to you. How can we accept her as our Luna if you haven't read her mind to see if it's true?"

"ALRIGHT, ALREADY!" Pablo yelled.

"Shift Jaclyn," he demanded of me.

"Are you fucken serious? I told you that I didn't hate you and I still loved you even after you killed my family and the Pack!" I put my hands on my hips and giving everyone dirty looks.

"Then you won't have no problem shifting," he said angrily.

Fuck! I said to myself, now I'm going to have to haul ass once he sees my thoughts. I started to take my shorts and tank top off. I shifted and stood there in front of them.

"You Fucken Bitch!" Pablo screamed.

I took off running, "KILL THAT BITCH!" Pablo commanded his crew, then I heard them all shift chasing after me.

I headed towards the bush where I had my backpack stash. As soon as I saw it I grab it with my canines and kept on running.

Pablo mindlink me...

"GET BACK HERE NOW!" he demanded in his Alpha tone. I flinch a little but kept on running.

"Did you really think I stilled loved you! You killed my father, my mom and then my brothers, then you went and killed the rest of the pack, who were all my family," I cried while running.

"We didn't kill Carmen," he laughed at me.

"What?" I questioned right away.

"She was the one who helps us out, well we had to force her," he laughs loud.

"Pablo, that is my mate you're talking about," Pablo Beta growled through our mind links. I turned around and saw him catching up to me.

"CARMEN! CARMEN!" I kept yelling for her and no response. Why didn't she tell me that the Beta was her mate?

I whined for my best friend, "Don't try to mind link with her, she been given a command to not speak to you ever!" Pablo laugh again.

My heart was crying out for my best friend. I took off faster than I normally run, I just couldn't take it anymore. Maybe I should let them catch me and kill me, there is nothing for me left. Then my wolf put Mate in my brain. My mate? Do I even have one and if I do, would he accept me?

I ignored them as I kept on running after an hour I finally lost them. Through the whole run he was yelling at me through the mind link, and when I lost them the last thing he said to me was.

"I swear when I get you back here I'm going to fucken make your death slowly and painfully you bitch," he said it deadly.

"Fuck you Pablo!" was the last thing I said to him. He growled back at me and I shifted back to my human so that I don't have to hear him anymore. That is one thing I love is that we can't mind link with each other in human form.

I was not that far away from New Mexico I pulled my iPhone 4 out and turned it on. I went through this app that was specially made for our kind and it tells me what Pack territory is around and who is the Alpha.  I found a cave and smelled in there to see if it was clear and safe to go in there to sleep for the night. I can't shift at all into my wolf or else he will know what direction to go and he will mind link me. 

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