Chapter 8

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Ch. 8


While I was unlocking my door, Ed opened his door.

"That's smile and smell tells me he finally is going to accept you?" Ed asked while leaning up against his door.

I smiled big, "yes and he is going to tell everyone at the ball tonight."

As we were walking into my room I was in an awe moment, "oh my god that is so beautiful."

There was a dress hanging from the window with shoes and accessories on the table. "Did you put it here?" I asked Ed.

"No, that must of been Sara, she said that she had a dress for you, remember?" Ed said while we were staring at the dress.

"Wow......." I'm stunned at how beautiful this dress is.

"So, where is his mark?" Ed asked looking around my neck area.

"He was but I said let's first make the announcement and then we can take it from there," I said happily.

"Wow, so that means he is going to end it with Tiffany?" Ed asked as he sat in my chair.

"He said that he would handle it, so I guess so," I was touching the dress.

"I'm hungry, have you had breakfast?" I asked Ed.

"No," he responded right away.

"Good, let me shower and get ready so that we can have breakfast at McD's. My treat," I said cheerfully.

"Sounds good to me, just come get me when you're done," Ed said walking out of my room.

Once Ed left, I took my clothes off and jump into the showered. Once David marks me his scent will be stronger on me. I mean I do smell like him only because we made love and now that I'm showering his scent will be a little faded. Anyways I can't wait to complete everything.


Breakfast was good this morning, we sat at McDonald's for about an hour. Ed and I took my aunt Sofia with us, we ran into on our way out and I decided to invite her. She was happy that she came with us because she told me that she wanted to get to know me some more. Ed had to leave early because he was helping decorate the hall for the dance tonight.

"Tia, you said that my mom was in Mexico taking care of your grandma?" I asked wondering if I had more family in Mexico.

"Oh yes, that was in Baja California a town called El Rosario, then you take another 10 or 15 min drive to Baja Pack. That is where our family is," my Tia says smiling.

"We still have family there?" I asked.

"We do, let see he would be your 2nd or 3rd cousin, something like that. His name is Domingo, but everyone calls him Dom and he the Alpha now," she took another sip of her coffee.

"I wonder why my mom never told me about the family in Mexico, but then I wonder if my brothers knew we had family there," I said sadly.

"I don't know why your mom never told you, I wish I knew. I hate myself for not ever talking to your mom, she was my only sister. My stupid hate and jealousy," my Tia say as she gets teary eyes.

"Stop, I'm just glad that I don't have your guys stubbornness, " I said smiling to my Tia and we both started laughing.

"Jaclyn, you spent the night with David, didn't you?" my Tia asked.

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