Chapter 1

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Ch. 1  


The bus was pulling up to my final destination Crescent California. I was kind of nervous because I'm going to find out who this Sofia Campos is.  I had email Kristin awhile back to do some research for me on Sofia and the pack that she with. Apparently, they are a very high class pack. In other words, snobby rich wolves who think that if you are in pack less than 50 members, your pack is poor. My father Pack there was my parents, 3 brothers and me, then there the family. The Moreno family, there were 5 there. The Ramos family, there were 6 of them. The Garcia family, there was 4 of them, and the Chavez family, there were 5 of them. There was only 26 of us in my father Pack and Pablo took that away from us. Today Pablo is the Alpha and last the I counted there was 30 in his Pack, who knows now.

The bus stop and the driver said, "Crescent City folks."

I pull out my headphones, man I'm so glad that the buses come with plugs to charge your phone and free WiFi. I put my backpack on my right shoulder walk down the bus aisle then took some steps down making a quick right to get my duffle bag.  I was waiting for the bus driver to pull my bag out and once he did that I quickly got my bag then look around for a motel. I am in a need of a shower and the last time I took a shower was in Montana. Now, I have been cleaning myself every day with a washcloth and soap, but a shower makes so much of a difference.

I look around for a Motel and spotted a Crescent Motel. I started walking towards the Motel and I can smell wolves around. I look towards them and they were all standing around at a Shells gas station looking at me. There were 4 Range Rovers different colors. There is about 8 wolves, 7 guys, and 1 girl. I turn back looking towards the Motel and as I was getting closer I heard someone running and right away I turn around in a defensive move. 

He stops running and then I heard him take a whiff of me like my odor offended him. He took a few steps back, "What do you want here, Rogue?" he asked crossing his arms puffing his chest out.

I crossed my arms not being scared, which I should be because I don't know how to fight. I can't really smell him, not able to shift into my wolf all the time makes my wolf weak and right now she is extremely weak. You can smell if they are Alphas or Betas easily, but as of now, I would have to hear it in their voice.

"It's none of your business why I'm here," I glared at him.

"We don't allow your kind here, so you might as well hop back on that bus," he growled at me.

"Martin, leave the girl alone!" a girl yelled coming running towards us from the motel.

"For what, shit, you always trying to help these Rogues out. What she needs to do is leave Cresent territory," he snarled at me.

"First of all, I am not on Crescent territory and second I know where the territory line is. So, until I cross that territory the Alpha is the only one that has the right to make me leave, pinche pendejo(stupid ass)," I said with attitude and then I heard his friends growl.

"She right, Martin," the girl from the motel said. "Were you going to rent a room from us," she smiled at me. 

"Yes, if there are any available?" I asked.

"Sure, come on. By the way, my name is Sara," she sticks her hand out for me to shake.

"Jaclyn," I shook her hand.

I turn around and so call Martin ran back to his friends then he said, "Yeah, she poor and stinks," he said out loud so that I can hear him, then I heard them all laugh.

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