Chapter 5

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Ch. 5


I was holding Jaclyn as she cried on my shoulder. I can see that she has been through so much and me adding to that pile is not helping. I never thought that I would ever find my mate. She is so beautiful and perfect. I don't know what to do, should I tell my parent's that I found my true mate or go ahead with the chosen mate I pick. Tiffany and I have been together for over a year now and she will be 18 in a few months and I will be 26 years old by the end of the year.

How am I going to tell Jaclyn about Tiffany? How do I explain to her that I already chose a mate and it so happened to be her cousin? This really sucks, I love Tiffany, I really do but since I touch Jaclyn and kissed her I just can't stop thinking of her. I'm just grateful that Tiffany went out of town with her friends so that I don't have to deal with her right now. Tiffany and Martin are brother and sister, their mother is Sofia who is Jaclyn aunt.

Jaclyn crying died down, she sounds like she fell asleep in my arms. I got up to lay her down and as I was stepping away, "please, stay," she begged me. "Sure," I laid right next to her putting her in my arms as she places her arm over my stomach.

She moved a little more trying to make herself comfortable and as she places her face into my neck she stops moving. This felt so right, it is weird how I don't get this kind of feelings with Tiffany, but then I guess that has to do with the fact that Jaclyn is my true mate. I inhale her scent and for being a homeless Rogue she does not stink. You can tell she takes good care of herself, I started looking around the room and notice a duffel bag with clothes and stuff in it.

"This feels right," Jaclyn whispered.

"What did you say?" I asked softly, she didn't say anything. Her breathing was a little heavier that is when I knew she was falling asleep, was she dreaming. I heard what she said, but I wanted to hear it again.

Being together is perfect, it does feel right. I can feel our bodies tingling together and it feels so good. "I'm so sorry Jaclyn," I whispered to her then kiss the top of her head. After 20 minutes she was snoring lightly. I slide myself out of her bed and went back downstairs to the main lobby.

"How is she doing?" Sofia asked looking worried.

"She cried herself to sleep," I look at everyone, then when my eyes landed on Martin he was giving me a dirty look. "Let her get some rest and you can talk to her later," I place my hand on Sofia's shoulder and she nodded yes to me.

"Sara, let me talk to you for a minute," we walk over to her office I close the door when she walks in.

"What's going on David?" Sara asked right away.

"Keep an eye on Jaclyn for me. I want her to rest and Sara, I don't want her to work. I will pay for her salary," I said looking out the window.

"David, I wasn't going to make her work. Poor girl has been through so much, it hurts to know what kind of life she lived. Then with no parents, plus she is my sister," Sara said looking sad when I look at her.

I turned back looking out the window and smiled thinking what Sara said that about Jaclyn. She cannot stand Tiffany, I don't know why they hate each other when they use to be best friends, "are you going to tell mom and dad finally?" Sara asked.

"No, I still have to figure out what to do. We have that dance in a couple of days and Dad will announce us as future Alpha and Luna," I turned back to look at Sara.

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