Chapter 23

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Ch. 23


"Come on, let's go for a drive," David says pulling me to his truck.

"Wait, there still people out here, we can't leave just yet," I said as he kept pulling me with him.

"Oh, yes, we can," he pick me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Where are we going?" I said pushing myself up on his shoulders looking at the people that we pass up and who are waving bye to me.

"It's a surprise, but then once we are there, you will remember," he says as he opens the door to his truck.

"Were you guy's going?" Esteban yells and Sara laughing.

"I don't know," I said as David puts me in his truck.

"We'll be back in a few hours, keep an eye on things here," David chuckles as he walks around the truck to hop in.

I shake my head, this guy is crazy. He got in and started the truck up and we were off.

"I need to make a quick stop, okay?" he looks at me smiling weirdly.

"Um, okay," I laugh at his facial expression.

He started driving, he kept looking at me real quick then turn back to face the road. He has this smirk on his lips making think he was up to no good. We had to stop real quick at a store as David got out came back with a bag and didn't let me see what was in it. That is when I notice where he was taking me, he was taking me to my home the one he built for me.

"So why are you taking me to my house?" I smiled big.

"So you remember, huh," he smiles back at me.

"Yup," I said happily.

"I wanted some alone time with my mate," he winks at me.

"You are bad, I know exactly why you want us to be alone," I said giving him the eye.

"Well that is not only the reason," we stop in front of the house.

He got off the truck and went around to my side and open the door.

"Then what is the reason?" I asked as I got out.

"First, let's go inside and then I will tell you," he grabs my hand and we walk towards the house.

We walk in and something seems different, it smells like it's been painted.

"Why does it look like different in here?" I asked while looking around.

"Well, you see, after I read your note. I kind of got really upset and broke everything in here," he said as he sat on the couch not looking at me.

"Awe, David, I'm sorry," I said sitting next to him.

"Don't, you shouldn't be sorry, it was me. I was stupid and didn't fight hard enough for you, so you don't have to be sorry. I love you and I really mess things up for us and," I cut him off.

"I love you," I started kissing him.

I got up sitting on top of him still kissing him as my fingers were running through his hair. He moans as my fingernails were caressing his scalp. Our lips parted as he was kissing my neck, "damn, baby, that feels good, how your nails run through my scalp," he says it in a deeper tone and then sucks on my neck.

As I'm straddling him his hands go down to my ass as he picks me up as we are kissing him again then my legs go around his waist. We are walking down the hallway as he pushes the door open, "baby, I need you," he says as he looks hungry for me. "I need you too," I said the same.

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