Chapter 20

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Ch. 20


We were sitting in the waiting room for 20 minutes when we saw a doctor walking out the double doors.

"Family for Carmen Moreno," the doctor yelled out.

"Here," David and I got up walking towards him quickly.

"We are going to have to do an emergency C-section, she is not waking up and her blood pressure is high, so that doesn't make things any easier for the baby. What happened to her?" he asked looking at the both of us.

"I don't know we found her laying on the ground and brought her here," I said quickly.

"Who are you?" the doctor asked.

"I'm her sister Jaclyn."

"Is there anything medically that we should know about your sister?" the doctor asked.

"No," I said.

"Okay, well, we will come and get you when we are done," the doctor nods to us and walks away.

"Excuse me, doctor," he stops and turns back to me.

"Is she going to be okay?" I said worriedly.

"Well, if she just fainted, then yes, she should be. My concern is her blood pressure, it is really high and that is not good for her or the baby. I'll be back soon," he walks away.

I turned around facing David and hug him tight, "I hope that everything goes good for her and the baby," I said with tears in my eyes.

"You can see she has been through a lot, she looks pretty strong, so let's wait after the baby is born if we need to worry or not," David says as he kisses my forehead.

We walk back to the waiting area and sat back down.

I must have dozed off because David shook me to wake up. I look up and my brothers and their mates walking towards us. My brothers gave me a hug and Sara hug David, then Maria hug me and Sara did too. We all sat down in a corner by ourselves.

"How's Carmen doing?" Pepe asked

"It's been like what?" I look at David. "About 40mins," he said quickly.

"They had to do a c-section on her and she was still out of it. How did it go after we left?" I asked.

"I left my crew to clean up and Alpha Sanchez and Mendez left. We made an agreement to help each other out so that no one like Pablo can try and take a pack down. Your father and his crew are there helping out, Tia Sofia called, she felt it, she knew she lost her mate. They are making arrangement to have his body sent back for a proper burial," Pepe says looking sad.

"This is awful, poor tia. How is Carmen son doing?" I asked.

"He is with one of the ladies there and the rest of the females are thankful to us for saving them. Some of them already called their families to get pick up. Some of them were missing for a year or more. There are like 5 women left, they said they have nowhere else to go. They don't want to stay there because of the things that happen to them. Too many bad memories what Pablo did to them," Pepe shook his head.

Pepe hates men that abuse women.

After sitting there talking that same doctor came out. He saw me and walk towards me, "she is okay, she is still medicated but they already reduce it, so hopefully she will be waking up soon," the doctor said.

"How's the baby?" I asked nervously.

"She is doing fine, she is in the nursery," the doctor smiled at me.

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