Chapter 15

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Ch. 15


Once I found out that she still has her phone it was a relief because I know that I can still call her. Although I don't think she would answer my calls, so I'm going to send her a text and see how she reacts to that and maybe, just maybe she will call me or text me back.

"I luv u so much" send.

"I know this is stupid because you don't have a phone anymore :(" send.

"But I'm hoping you still have it, I LUV U WITH ALL MY SOUL..." send.

I'm sitting here on the day bed where we made love at. Jaclyn scent is fading and it's killing me not knowing where she at. I was looking through my phone at the pics she took of us. I smiled at how happy she looks. I close my eyes and I can see her face right in front of me smiling, I smile back at her and I reach out touching her cheeks then running my thumb on those beautiful plump lips.

I opened my eyes and I was in the forest, then I heard laughter it sounds like Jaclyn. 
I started walking towards where I heard the laughter and saw 2 people kissing.
He had her up against the tree kissing her passionately, 
she had her arms around his neck 
while he had his hands up her shirt in the back caressing her skin.
"Damn, baby, your skin is so soft," he says to her. 
She pulled back and it was Jaclyn face, "I love you."
I growled loudly, "Jacky, what the fuck!" I said angrily to her.
When the guy turned around looking at me I saw Jaclyn fully, she had her hands on her tummy.
She was having a baby, my heart broke into a million pieces. 
I look at her and she had tears in her eyes. She grabs the guys hand and
started walking away from me.
"Jaclyn!" I yelled at her.

I sat up quickly and I heard pounding at the door, fuck, I rub my hand over my face and felt sweat all over my face. Shit, I thought to myself, so glad it was only a dream. The pounding was getting louder at the door. Who the fuck that can be, no ones knows about this house except me and Jaclyn.

"Jaclyn?" I opened the door.

"Nope, sorry," Ed says looking worried himself.

"I forgot you know about this place, what do you want Ed," I said walking back inside getting me a water bottle out the fridge.

"Your dad is looking for you, he said he's been calling and texting you," Ed says while he looking around the house. "What the hell did you do?" Ed asked

"What do you care," I said quickly looking around at how I tore up my house because she left me.

"Look, David I'm worried too, just as much as you are," Ed says standing in the living room. "She hasn't returned any of my calls or text," Ed says sadly.

"Back off, Ed, she is my mate," I growled at him.

"Are you fucking serious, she is my fuckin friend David. I don't look at her any other way but a friend. You know what I'm leaving I just came here as a favor for my Alpha to let his son know that he is looking for you," Ed walks out slamming the door.

I went to get my phone and saw that I did miss calls from my dad and texts. I sat down to put my shoes on and started thinking of the dream. I stood up, "you're coming home one way or the other and if you are pregnant I swear that I will kill that wolf!" I said out loud with a growled.

I grab the handle to my door and turned looking back into the living room. I need to clean and fix this place back up. I need to put a nursery in here too. I turned around closing the door heading back to my parent's place.

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