Chapter 19

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Ch. 19


We were like 20 minutes away from meeting Alpha Sanchez and his guys. My brothers were surprised that Carmen was alive and then I told them how Carmen knew what they were going to do but it wasn't her fault, I kept explaining to them why she never told me and how she couldn't respond to me when I was trying to connect to her. All of this is Pablo fault, he did this to us. I just hope that Carmen is safe and okay. I miss my best friend and I know she would never go against my father pack.

We shifted quickly once we crossed the border. It was still early in the morning, so we knew Pablo wouldn't link to us. 

"Hey, you okay?" David asked, then I notice everyone stop walking.

"Yeah, I was just thinking and kind of nervous seeing that asshole again," I said to David while looking at my brothers talking.

He puts his fingers on my chin and moves my face towards him, "I'm here and I'm not letting no one hurt you, especially your ex. I have your back and you have mine," he smiles giving me a quick kiss.

"I'll always have your back," I smiled back.

"They're coming," Pepe says.

We all turned around and saw 3 vans coming our way. They stop and we all walk out of the bushes. The van doors all open up at the same time and guys were getting off, one big guy was walking ahead of everyone.

"Alpha Sanchez?" Pepe asked.

"Yes" he answered back

Pepe shook his hand while introducing himself and everyone in his pack.

"David," we turned and his father the Alpha was walking towards us with another group of men.

"Father," he hugged him.

"Sir, my name is Esteban Perez, I am your daughter true mate. It's an hour to meet you, sir," Esteban stood in front of Sara father putting his hand out to shake.

He then turns to Sara, she looks at him with a big smile on her face. Sara nodded to confirm that this was her mate.

"The honor is mine, welcome to the family Esteban," he hugged Esteban, which surprise Esteban.

"Ladies go to the first van and my driver will drive you back to my pack," Alpha Sanchez says.

Pepe said bye to his mate and so did Esteban, Pepe, of course, sent one of his guards with my sister in law and Sara.

"Alright, let's all get into the vans and get this over with," Pepe says and we all walk towards the van and got in.

It was only a 30-minute drive, the sun was almost up. My brother decided to attack early in the morning to catch them off guard.

We made it to the spot where we met up with Alpha Mendez, my brother plan was to surround the border of the pack territory. David father, the Alpha, his Beta my tia husband and the rest of his pack took the northern part of the territory. My brothers and his pack to the west, Alpha Sanchez took east and Alpha Mendez took south. I end up going with David, the plan was to kill the guys that are patrolling the borders and work our way in.

The sun was up so that tells me it's about past 6 in the morning. Once we all made it in the living area it was still quiet. We saw how some guys were leaving to work, but they got them before they got into their cars. 

I was looking around everything around here brings back memories of the good time I had with my family and bad ones when they were all murdered by Pablo. Once we notice that no one elsewhere coming out, Pepe shifted into his wolf and howled loud. That is when we heard people running out of the buildings. 

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