Chapter 16

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Ch. 16


My body feels extremely sore, I didn't know the guys put so much into training. It has been 3 days of training. I fought most of the guys in my brother pack and a few of Dom pack, I'm getting pretty good at it. I was sitting on the wooden bleachers drinking my water and watching everyone training. I saw Mateo coming towards me smiling and I smiled back.

"Hey, how did you do today?" Mateo asked, he is one of my brother pack members and we were hanging out all week. His English is pretty good, ever since he committed to my brother pack Pepe and Esteban have been teaching him English. His accent is heavy but you can still understand him.

"It went pretty easy today, only because I know how everyone around here attacks. I'm just hoping that I impress Pepe so that I can go with you all in 2 days for the fight," I said then took a drink of my water.

"I think you impress him, I mean you impress me with your looks, Chula (beautiful, hot female in Spanish)," he says as I blush and played it off.

"There you go with your lines, Chulo (handsome, hot male)," I said this time as he blushes looking away from me.

We flirt with each other but nothing serious, "what's going on here?" Pepe asked eyeing Mateo.

"Nothing, we just taking a break," I shrug my shoulders.

"Break is over, get back to training, now!" Pepe demanded.

Mateo jumps off the bleachers, "see you later, Chulo," I waved to Mateo.

He smiles, shaking his head walking away.

"For someone who has a mate, flirts like crazy," Pepe eyeing me.

"First, we are just friends. Second, I don't have a mate, I rejected him so I guess you can say I am free who I want to see," I stood up the bleachers walking down towards Pepe.

"Come on Jacky, you really want to do that? What if he was doing that, what if he was flirting with a female," I growled when he said that. "You see, even though you rejected him, you still have feelings for him and that will never go away unless you mate with someone else that you fall in love with and I don't think you are in love with Mateo," he says as tears were forming in my eyes.

"I'm sorry for acting like an ass. It's just hard because I'm still in love with my mate and I guess flirting with Mateo takes that pain away," Pepe hugs me.

"Look, go home take a shower and relax for the rest of the day. Tomorrow is the big day to see if you pass the training," I just nodded yes and Pepe kisses my forehead.

I went running towards the lockers and went behind it then I started taking my clothes off and shifted into my wolf. I ran out of the dome, that is what I called it. Instead of running back the house I ran towards the beach. 

I've been here for 30 minutes laying back on the beach listening to the waves crashing against the rocks mountain nearby. 

"Hola, Chula (Hello, Pretty)," Mateo says with a big smile on his face.

I open my eyes putting my hand above my eyes to block the sun. "Hey, Mateo, done with your training," I sat up and he sits down next to me.

"Not really, Alpha Dom sent me with few others to patrol the beach," he says smiling at me. "Why did you leave early?" he says looking around like Alpha Dom did when I chatted with him a few days ago.

"My brother said for me to rest up because tomorrow is the big fight," I said laying back down on the beach closing my eyes.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

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