Chapter 14

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Ch. 14


I hung up on him and just stood there. I was crying, it hurt me to say that to him, I hurt him really bad. I hated that I did that to him, why things couldn't be easier for us. I decided to go to the barn and shift, I heard Esteban calling for me but I didn't look back I just kept on running.

I kept on running but after awhile I ended up at the beach just sitting there in my wolf form.  I was staring out towards the water thinking of my mate. I can feel my wolf, she is sad, she wants her mate and so do I. I heard wolves approaching me and turn to see 5 wolves going into the cave to shift.

"You have your brothers worrying about you," Alpha Dom says to me as he sits down. 

I got up going into the cave to shift then I went back out to sit by my cousin.

(" Ustedes dos se sube hacia el norte y el sur de verificación de dos , una vez que termine de revisar el perímetro volver aquí") "You two go up north and you two check the south, once you are done checking the perimeter come back here," Alpha Dom says to the guys in Spanish.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"They found some Rogues snooping around," he says while looking around as if he was making sure we were okay. "So, tell me, what's wrong that you spent most of the day by yourself?" He asked looking at me.

"My mate, my true mate. I found him in California, Tia Sofia is in his pack. The thing cousin, Tia Sofia daughter end up being pregnant from my mate. I had to let him go, so I rejected him. He's been calling and texting me to come home and as much as I want to be with him I don't want to be that person that the child blames for breaking their parents up," my eyes were getting teared up.

"Jaclyn, you are not the only person going through this. I know what you are going through because my mate had a child before she met me. I was angry at first, but I accepted her child as ours, as part of our family. It's not the child fault, things like this happens. My mate boyfriend at that time was killed by a rogue but if he was alive, who knows how it would have turned out," he says looking around again. "Jacky, your life lead you to where you are. Think about it, your true mate is in California. Do you think if any of this wouldn't have happened, would you ever have crossed path with your true mate? His child will understand as he or she grows up that you are his daddy true mate. You might find new love, but it will never be the same as your true mate. Think about it," we both heard the guys walking back. "Come, let's go home," Dom says as we both get up walking towards the cave.

As I was walking out of the barn Pepe and Esteban were both getting up from the bench. They both hug me tight.

"I'm sorry, hermana (sister)," Pepe says softly.

"I know you were only trying to protect me, so it's okay," I had tears in my eyes.

I pulled back and my brother kisses my cheek, "come on, you need to eat," we all went back to the house.

We sat around the table eating our dinner, me, Esteban, Pepe and his mate.

"Before you got here Jacky, we were all planning to attack Pablo and his pack, but we end up postponing it," Pepe says as he takes a bite of his food.

"Why did you postpone it?" I asked taking a drink of my water.

"Because we got our sister back and we wanted to see what kind of condition you were in, so we set a date for the attack by the end of this week, Friday, we are leaving to get our land back. You are staying here with my mate until we call and say it's okay to come home," he took a drink of his water.

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