Chapter 10

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Ch. 10


As I was heading towards Bakersfield, Califonia. I was just thinking what David said about finding me. He knows where to go in Colorado and I don't want to see him, it is easier this way that we don't see each other. I'm going to have to change my destination.......I'm going to Mexico and get to know my family I didn't know I had. Just for awhile then once I find out that David left Colorado, then I will go and stay with my friends permanently.  I can feel him, I know he is angry and sad.  I've only been on the train for 30mins and it's going to take me nine in a half hours to get to Bakersfield. 


"You can't force her to come back!" my mom yelled.

"I don't care, she is my mate, my true mate and I want her back!" I yelled back. 

"Watch your tone David," my father growled.

"Look, I'm sorry, really I am, but I should have never agreed to Tiffany being my Luna. I know she is pregnant with my child, but none of us knew I would have actually run into my true mate. I don't feel anything for Tiffany. I'm in love Jaclyn and she is the only one I want to be with the rest of my life," I was tired of arguing with my parent's.

"Are you thinking about the Pack, how do you think this will look like or what are you going to tell the pack?" my dad said angrily.

"Are you serious with this question? First, I don't care what other people will say and as for our Pack. I will make sure they understand and respect Jacky. You know dad for the longest time Sara kept telling how other Packs look at us and I didn't believe until I started going to these gathering for future Alphas, they label us as rich snobby kids who care for no one but ourselves. I couldn't believe it at first then I started to see how my friends and others in our Pack treat the outsiders, like Jaclyn," I was saying when Sara cut me off.  Even David own Beta, her cousin treated her like shit," Sara cut me off.

"I've told you guys for the longest time how people look at this pack. That is the reason why I don't hang out with certain people here dad because they all act stupid," Sara said shaking her head.

"I don't care what people think about my Pack!" he screamed at us.

"Well, I do, if I'm going to be Alpha one day I don't want people to think us as snobby assholes," I said, giving my father a dirty look.

"David," my mother says as she covers her face and shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. She left not too long ago and I want to stop her in Bakersfield," I got my keys and was walking towards the door. I open it and there she was standing there looking mad.

"What do you want, Tiffany?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Why did you leave me alone at the Ball?" she said sadly.

I took a deep breath and let her in, "look, Tiff, this is not going to work. I will be there for my child 100%, but I also need to be there for my true mate. I know one day you will have your true mate," she cut me off screaming at me.

"NO! You chose me, you love me," she started to cry.

"Tiff, I did choose you thinking I would never find my true mate and yes I love you, but I'm not in love with you, like the way I am with my true mate. You will get that feeling too, one day," I said to her trying to calm her down.

Her face is full of anger, "FUCK YOU, DAVID!" she screamed and left, slamming the door.

I shook my head, "I gotta go," I was walking out when my dad said something to me.

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