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Ch. 24


I was sitting in the waiting room staring at the floor. I feel like I have no life in me when we got here at the hospital they had to do CPR on Jacky. She lost a lot of blood, I swear when I see Martin again I will kill him.

"David," I didn't even bother to look at my sister when she was calling me.

She got on her knees in front of me, she has tears in her eyes.

"David," she was trying to say something but just end up hugging me and crying on my shoulders.

I didn't hug her back like I said I feel like I have no life in me. All I can think about is Jacky and wondering if she alive or dead.

"Come on baby," Esteban says to my sister and helps her stand up.

"Pepe will be here later today," Esteban says and pulls my sister back to sit down on a chair.

I started thinking when Jacky left me, she left me so that I can be with my child and even though I didn't want Tiffany as my mate. Jacky wanted me to be there for my child. Jacky, always thinking of others than herself. I went crazy when she left, I know what she wanted me to do but I just couldn't. I wanted my true mate and my child with me. I was going to find a way to make it like that. When she left me that shit killed me on the inside, I knew then that I couldn't live without her.

"Family for Jaclyn Perez," A man called out.

A lot of us got up, "I'm her brother how she doing," right away Esteban responded.

"I'm Dr. Williams, I've been helping Jaclyn since she has gotten here. First, she okay for now," the Doctor was cut off by me.

"What do you mean for now?" I question the Doctor.

"We lost her for a few seconds when you guys brought her in, but we got her heart going. She lost a lot of blood, what happened to her," the Doctor looks at me.

"She was attacked by some animal and we don't know what because we found her like that then brought her here," I said quickly. "Doctor Williams, is she going to make it?" I said in a shaky voice.

"Right now they are finishing up on the stitches, she lost a lot of blood but we are replacing that with the blood we are giving her now.  Her blood pressure is low but if everything goes well in the next day or two, she should pull through. We are going to place her in the ICU, so there only can be 2 visitors at a time," the doctor says looking at all of us.

"Thank you, Doctor," I reach out my hand for him to shake. "Yes, thank you, Doctor," Esteban says and hugs my sister. "We will call you when she is set up in the room," the Doctor says and he turns to walk away. "She going to pull through, I know my sister, she is strong," Esteban says with tears in his eyes, whispering in my sister's ear as he hugs her.

"Son, the guys couldn't' find anything. They jump into a car that was park further down the road from your place. They got away," I look at my father then that is when I saw my mom, Sofia, Carmen, and Ed. They all had tears, they been crying for Jaclyn.

"We'll get them, dad, thanks," I place my hand on his shoulder.

Sofia walks up to me really fast and hugs me tight, "I'm, so sorry for what my kids did," she said to me while crying.

I hug her back, I know Jacky wouldn't hold this against her and neither will I, "this is not your fault, yes, they are your kids but they are in the wrong here," I pulled her back and kiss her forehead.

"David, I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I want to see Jacky before I leave. All this what my kids are doing is too much and I will always love my kids but what they did to you and Jacky, I did not raise them to be like this," Sofia says as she steps back.

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