Chapter 4

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Ch. 4


I just stood there thinking about what he said, that I was stubborn and cute. I smile a little at how he said that, but why does he have to think things through about us?

"Hey, you okay?" I jump a little when I heard Ed voice. "Sorry, didn't mean you to scare you," Ed said putting his hand on my arm.

"No, it's okay I'm just tired," I said right away.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your room," Ed said pulling my arm.

"Thanks for taking me to the beach," I smiled at Ed.

"Sure, no problem, I will see you in the morning," Ed smiled back.

I unlock my door and went into my room. I just threw myself on the bed, laying there inhaling David scent it smelled so good, I closed my eyes and went right to sleep.


I was standing there crying my eyes out, I saw my dad kneeling down on his knees. I look up and Pablo is there with a smirk on his face. I look back to see my dad face again, but this time, it's David face I see. "Jaclyn, I  will always love you," David said with tears in his eyes, then Pablo claw David's neck. "NO!" I screamed.

End of Dream....

"Jac, wake up," someone was shaking me.

I open my eyes and I saw Ed face looking scared. I was breathing hard and my face was wet, "you had a bad dream, you okay?" I shook my head a little. "You want to talk about it?" Ed asked sitting next to me.

I sat up leaning against Ed, "Remember how I told you that Pablo had killed my father and everyone else?" I look up at Ed's face.

"Yeah, I remember," Ed said and puts his arm around me.

"Well, once in awhile I have the same dream over and over where Pablo kills my father, but instead of Pablo killing my father it was," I swallow hard. "It was David, who he killed," a tear ran down my face.

"Oh Jaclyn," Ed hugs me tighter. "He's your mate, isn't he?" Ed asked and I just nod my head yes.

I held on to Ed tighter, I didn't want to let go. With the crying, I did I fell asleep in his arms.


I kept hearing knocking on a door in my dreams, I open one eye and it was morning. "There someone at your door," Ed said.

He got up and open the door, "What the fuck are you doing here?" It was David's voice. David pushes the door wider and sees me in bed. I look at him with sleepy eyes. "You fucken asshole!" David charged at Ed and knock him down to the floor. David was punching his face, "DAVID, STOP!" I yelled.

Then I saw Sara run in, "DAVID STOP IT NOW!" Sara commanded him in her Alpha voice.

Ed was bleeding from his nose and mouth. His face was also getting swollen. I went into the bathroom to get a towel.

"What the hell is wrong with you David? Why are you beating up Ed for?" Sara said angrily.

"I came to check up on Jaclyn and when her door opened up, he answered the door. He spent the night with her......." David said angrily.

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