Chapter 18

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Ch. 18


As we were walking out everyone was sitting under the tree talking. I look around and didn't see Mateo anywhere. I sat down next to Pepe as David sat on the other side of me. 

"So, does this mean that you and your mate are working things out?" Pepe asked.

"Hi, my name is David, from the Crescent Pack," David put his hand out to Pepe to shake.

"I know who you are," Pepe shook his hand. "But, I also know you knock up my cousin," Pepe glared at him.

"Well, if you heard of me then you heard that at one time she was my chosen mate, who is pregnant but we don't know if it's my child. I'm in love with Jaclyn and my pack already knows that I'm here to bring her home. She is the one I want," David says, then looks at me with a smile.

"My Tia explained everything to me and so did Jaclyn, but what you did to her I don't think you are good enough for her," Pepe said glaring at David. 

"Pepe!" I yelled. 

"It's true," David says and I was surprised that he agreed. "I'm not proud how I treated her at the beginning and I regret it," David says then turns to me. "I couldn't fight it anymore, every day my feelings for you were getting stronger. I don't deserve you Jacky, but if you forgive me I will make it up to you for the rest of our lives, I love you," David reaches for my hand and kisses it.

"Aweeee," Sara says cheesy.

"And you are?" David asked while looking at Sara holding hands with Esteban.

Esteban stood up, not once showing any fear to David, "I'm her mate and Jacky brother Esteban."

David smiles, "I'm kidding with you Jacky told me, welcome to the family," David stood up giving Esteban a man hug.

"Thanks and I would say welcome to the family, but like Pepe said, you don't deserve my sister. I can see Jaclyn forgave you already and I'm not going to fight my sister against you, but if you hurt her again, we won't hesitate to kill you," Esteban says eyeing David.

"You have my word, it will never happen again," David smiled and they gave each other another man hug.

"Hey guys, I'm leaving. It is driving my husband crazy that I'm out here without him. Sara, are you going back with me?" My Tia Sofia asked.

"No, I'm staying with Esteban," she says smiling at my brother.

"No, wait. Sara, I think you should go back with Sofia," David says quickly.

"What, why?" Sara says nervously and that is Esteban growled.

"She is not going anywhere," Esteban says sounding upset.

"Esteban, I didn't mean it like that. It's because of the fight you all about to have with Pablo," David says looking at me worried.

"Wait, what fight?" Sara asked looking at Esteban.

"My brother and I are taking our land back in Texas and we are leaving first thing in the morning," Esteban says looking unsure how she going to react.

"Sara, I think it's best that you go," David said looking sad for his sister.

"No! I'm coming," Sara yelled.

"Sara, have you ever been in a battle?" Esteban asked.

"No," Sara had tears in her eyes.

"Mi Amor(my love), I don't want to see you get hurt and there is no time to train you how to fight," Esteban says as tears are coming down Sara's face.

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