Chapter 7

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Ch. 7


When I woke up I can smell my mate next to me that put a smile on my face I was truly happy and very satisfied. Making love to your true mate is nothing compare to what Tiffany and I did. I'm in love with Jaclyn and today when I go home I'm going to announce to everyone that I found my true mate. I couldn't help myself but just stare at her while she sleeping. She looks perfect, like an angel.

We never talk and that was the reason I brought her up here so that we can work things out. I hate that she was kissing Ed, that shit killed my insides. Why was she kissing him again for, I wanted to beat the shit out of him again, for kissing my mate? I made an excuse to leave and I know Tiffany was mad at me because I left-right away after they did, but I didn't care I had to tell Jaclyn that she the only one I want. When she wakes up, we are going to have this talk, I want my true mate.

I knew she would love it when she saw this place, all this is hers, my parent's known of this place but they never saw it, no one has. They knew I was building this for my mate. My parent's asked me if Tiffany saw it already and I was kind of upset because even though I had chosen her as my mate, this wasn't for her, this was for my true mate. My parent's always thought that I would never find her, they apologize afterward and I just let it go.

My sister still hasn't found her mate, but they are not bugging her like they are with me. Only because one day I have to take over as Alpha and they would prefer that I have a mate when that time happens.

Now that we had made love I can feel what Jaclyn is feeling, she having a bad dream, she scared.

"NO!" she screamed

"Baby, you're dreaming," I said to her and she was breathing a little fast.

"Excuse me," she says and gets up walking back into the house.

She went to the bathroom and I started to put my clothes on. I grab Jaclyn clothes and took them to her.

"Jaclyn, here are your clothes," I knock on the door and she opened up.

"Thanks, I'll be right out," she says closing the door.

I went and sat in the living room waiting for her, I knew she was nervous I can feel it. I heard the door open, "sorry about that, I get these dreams and........and it's the same thing over. My ex, killing my father," she says standing there looking down.

I got up and walk towards her, "You want to tell me the whole story?" I asked her.

She nodded her head, so I took her back to our couch. We sat there and she started telling me about Pablo, her family and what happened to her best friend. I couldn't believe that asshole had my girl on the run for 2 years now. I swear if I ever see him, he is dead. Jaclyn was in tears again, telling me about her dad, mom, and brothers. It broke my heart to see her like this, "baby you have me now and no one will ever hurt you. I want you to join my father pack and soon it will be our pack. You will be safe here, please accept me as you mate," I begged her.

"David, I can't join your father pack, then I would have to shift and Pablo will scent where I am and come, no I don't want anyone involved in my problems and what about Tiffany, how are you going to handle that," she had tears in her eyes I can tell she was tired of running and just wants a normal life.

"Don't worry about Tiffany I will handle her and as for my father pack. I will talk to him and see what we can do about you joining the pack, after all, you are the Luna," I smile at her touching her beautiful cheek. "I tell you what, tonight at the ball I will announce that I have met my true mate and you will be our future Luna. I will meet you there tonight, I heard you're going with Ed," I said sadly.

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