Chapter 11

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Ch. 11


As I soon as I cross over to Mexico I felt free, I had no connection with anyone. I just couldn't wait till I shift. I spent most of the day walking from Tijuana, Mexico to El Rosario in Baja Mexico. It is a 5-hour drive, but I had to walk most of the time I did accept some rides but only the ones that smelled like wolves because they knew where Alpha Dom pack is. I had to look like a boy so these guys around here wouldn't bother me. I didn't want to be messed with and guys love to prey on girls. So, I wore baggy pants, loose shirt and pin up my hair with a baseball cap on. 

I was talking to a couple that gave me a ride who are mated to each other and they are rogues. They told me they prefer to live among the humans because it was easier than living in a pack. I just prefer living with a pack because it's safer, I don't know but that is my opinion.  The car came to a stop I was finally in EL Rosario town. Mexico is so different than the States, "thanks for the rides I really do appreciate it, take care both of you, (gracias por los paseos realmente lo aprecio , tenga cuida de los dos)" I said it in Spanish to Lupita and her mate Juan.

I started walking away and saw there was a Panadería (bakery story), so I decided to stop there first and get me something to eat. As I walk in I smelled wolves everywhere "how may I help you, Rogue? (¿En qué puedo ayudarle, rogue?)" the guy behind the counter asks smirking at me, he looks a few years older than me.

He smelled that I was a female, "I want this bread," I pointed to, "and a water bottle," I said it in English not bothering to translate.

"What's wrong? Can't speak Spanish?" he says with a heavy accent while getting my bread and water.

"I can speak Spanish fine, but I prefer to speak English," I smiled at him.

He laughs shaking his head, "Well, I know you are not from here, so what brings you out here?" he asked handing me my bread and water.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked looking through my change.

"95 Pesos," he says while looking at me.

"Then 5 American dollars is okay?" I asked looking at him hoping he says yes.

"Yeah, that's cool," he said quickly.

I gave him my last 5 dollar bill, "I'm here visiting, well, looking for my family. My cousin Dom is the Alpha of The Baja Pack," when I said that he froze on the spot.

"Wh..what did you say?" he asked again nervously.

"My cousin is Alpha of The Baja Pack, do you know him?" I gave him a weird look.

He ran around crazy behind the counter doing something, then I saw him grab some keys then walk past me and open the door.

"Come on, I will take you to him," he said with the door open. I raised my eyebrows looking at him as I walk past him.

He closed the door and lock it and show me to a very small truck. We both got in and he drove. We were quiet for the next 5 minutes and then he asked me a question, "What is your name?"

"Jaclyn Perez," he grabs the gear shift hard. 

"What is your name?" I asked.

"We're here," he says quickly as he got out. 

I started looking around and it looks like a desert around here with hills. The surrounding doesn't surprise me because where I grew up, it looks about the same. Weird, but it feels like home. I saw the guy that gave me a ride walking with some other guy towards me.

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