Chapter 17

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Ch. 17


I was growling at the Rogue bleeding from the scratches and bites he gave me. He kept going for my neck but all the tricks that the guys show me help a lot. I manage to avoid getting myself killed, he's getting frustrated with me at how good I am. Every time I went for my kill, he managed to bite my arm and that shit hurt like hell. I'm thinking the only way to kill him is I have to shift back to myself and rip his heart out with my claws. I tried everything else and that is the only thing that might work. 

We were circling each other and finally he leap into me trying again to bite my neck and when I kick him, it was a big mistake. He bit down on one of my back legs, so with my other leg, I kick his face scratching him at the same time. That is when his jaw let go of my leg and I started walking backward with a limp growling at him. 

I growled again loud and charged towards him and he started charging towards me. I leap into the air and shifted into myself, I stuck my claws out and dig into his heart and rip it out. His body fell and I shifted back into my wolf. I landed on my legs but mostly holding up my left leg in the back. After standing there a few seconds I couldn't hold my weight up and I collapse, that is when I heard the gate open and Pepe, Esteban, and Mateo came running towards me.

"Come on, you did good and I'm so proud of you, hermana(sister)," Pepe says as he is lifting me up.

He took me behind the lockers, "Maria, help her change. Jacky, shift and I will take you home on my back," Pepe says as he walks out.

"Okay, I'm done," breathing a little hard.

Esteban came in and pick me up, he laid me on Pepe back, "hold on tight, Jacky," Esteban says as he shifted into his wolf.

I look around and saw Mateo and Maria in their wolves already. I heard Esteban shift, "let's go, Pepe," I said to him as I lay my head on his back.

I was sitting on the ground as everyone was shifting back to themselves.

"Come on, let's get you fix up," Pepe says as we were all walking out of the barn.

That is when I saw Dom walking towards us with people walking behind him. When did Dom leave the fight, but then I wasn't even paying any attention because of the pain I was feeling on my leg.

"Mateo, take my sister to her room. Maria, help my sister, please," Pepe says as he passes me to Mateo and kissed Maria on her cheek.

"What's going on Dom," I heard Pepe asking as we were walking away.

That is when I heard a door open and slam.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY MATE!" I couldn't believe the voice I was listening to right now. It can't be him, he doesn't know I'm here.

I turn to look at him and he was standing there breathing hard, giving Mateo a look that if looks can kill. Mateo would be a dead man right now, as David was running towards me. My brothers stood in front of me and Mateo.

"Touch my sister and I will kill you!" Pepe growled at David.

I was in shock to see his beautiful face. He looks sad, happy, and angry all in one, then I look at Mateo and he was smirking at David. I was pushing myself off of Mateo but he held me tight.

"Mateo, please let me stand," I whispered to him.

"Mateo, take her inside now!" Pepe demanded. 

I saw Sara and Tia Sofia standing there looking sad.

"Sofia, tend to your niece," Dom demanded.

"I'm taking Sara with me," Tia Sofia says and Dom nodded yes.

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