Chapter 22

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Ch. 22


I went straight to my Tia and hug her, "I'm so glad you came back," Tia Sofia says. 

"Tia, I'm sorry about Tio," I said while I was hugging her. "Me too, Tia," Esteban says and then hugs us both.

"I'm glad that I still have some family," Tia said through tears.

"What do you mean?" I pulled back looking at my Tia.

"Let's sit down everyone," David Father said. "Oh, sweetheart that is Sara mate Esteban and Jacky his sister also David true mate," David father said proudly to his wife.

"It's so nice to finally meet you both," she said to Esteban and gives him a hug.

"Nice to meet you too," Esteban smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you too," I said to her

"So, what's going on dad," David asked.

"When we all got back from Texas, Martin escape and killed 2 of the guards," the Alpha said angrily.

"WHAT!" David yelled. "How did he do that when he was lock up?" David growled.

My Tia Sofia started to cry again, "Who is Martin?" Esteban asked.

"He is Tia Sofia son, your cousin, and David ex-Beta," I say to my brother Esteban.

"I'm sorry Sofia that you lost your husband, he was a good man, but for your son to do this," David was saying but his father cut him off.

"There is more," the Alpha said.

"What do you mean?" David asked.

"Tiffany help him escape, she didn't kill anyone but she helped her brother out to escape," the Alpha says and David growled loud. "I have men searching the city and the mountain area, no one has spotted them," the Alpha says.

"I can't believe this shit, I'm sorry Sofia but what the hell is wrong with your son. I don't get it, he always been an asshole with other people but that's who he is. But for him to kill someone it's just not him. You and your husband did a great job raising both your kids, but maybe we were just too blind to see who they really are," David says sounding disappointing and hurt.

"I blame myself, I'm being punished for what I did to my sister. My kids get this from me," Sofia started crying.

"No, you were hurt, you didn't kill anyone, so this is not your fault," I said to my Tia.

"Your mom and I been talking and since tomorrow is Sunday, we should right away make you Alpha and you Luna," the Alpha says.

"Dad, you sure about this because we can wait," David says to his father.

"I'm sure, you and Jacky are ready. We should have done it the right way the first time. Who did you come up with as your Beta?" The Alpha asked.

"Well, on the way home I've been thinking about that and the person that I came up with, he's well qualified as Beta with Alpha blood," David says then looks at me. "So, Esteban, would you like to take that position as my Beta?" David then looks at Esteban.

Esteban looks stunned and so do we. Esteban looks at me then Sara, Sara smiling at him, giving him the sign to say yes.

"Sure, David, it will be an honor to be your Beta," Esteban shakes David's hand.

"Great, then tomorrow at noon I will call a pack meeting and hand over the Alpha position to you, my son," David father smiles hugging David then Esteban.

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