Chapter 13

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Ch. 13


Anger and hurt I was feeling, all I wanted was her to come home to be with me.

"I'm sorry, look just give her time and maybe she will come around," Jacky friend John said to me looking sad for me.

"There no way I'm going to be able to talk to her, she said she going to break the phone so that we couldn't talk anymore," I said looking at my phone.

"She won't do that," John says.

"How do you know that?" I asked looking hopeful.

"Because if that is the only way she can hear your voice, then I doubt she would break that phone. Look, I will have Kristen email her and ask her if she still has the phone, okay?" Kristen cut him off.

"I will not do anything for him and John, you are supposed to be Jac friend, how can you do that to her?" Kristen sounding mad.

"She right John, thank you for your help anyway," I started walking out of their house.

I'm walking toward the rent a car that I rented from the airport. I heard the door open and John came running out. 

"Look, let me talk to my mate about this, give me your number and I will text you as soon as I find out anything, okay?" I gave him my phone exchanging our numbers.

"I don't want you or your mate arguing about this," I said to him as he was putting my phone number on his phone.

"If I screwed up with my mate like you did, I would have appreciated if someone would help me out too," he gave me a small smile.

"Thanks, John," I shook his hand and went to the airport to catch the next flight back home.

I was on my way home now and as I'm sitting here I'm looking through my phone of the pictures that Jacky took of herself. I was smiling just thinking how that day was so special for us.

I dozed off with my phone in my hand as it vibrates. I quickly open my eyes hoping it was a text from Jacky, but it wasn't. It was from John, "Kristen emailed her and we are just waiting to hear from her."

"K, Ty" I replied back.


I was walking out of the airport and my sister was standing there looking for me, then I saw how she kept looking behind me.

"Where's Jacky?" Sara sounded worried.

"She never showed up to Colorado," I said sadly.

"Awe, David I'm sorry. Ed said she was going to Colorado. That is just weird, then where is she?" Sara said as she was thinking to herself.

"I don't know, I spoke to her and well it didn't end all that great. All I know is that she is not in the states and she might of have broken the phone that I got her," as we both got into her car.

"If she left the states and she was heading south.......hmm.....interesting," my sister says tapping her chin with her finger while thinking hard. "She hasn't responded to mine or Ed calls or text, we need to talk to Sofia," my sister looks at me like she figured it out.

"What's going on Sara?" I asked quickly.

"Think about David, she knew you were going to look for her in Denver and the only other place she would have gone is Mexico because she just found out she has family there and that is why we need to speak to Sofia," my sister sounded excited.

"Oh shit, I forgot to tell you that as I was talking to her a guy got on her phone telling to leave her alone and how he was going to take care of her. I was angry Sara, I was yelling over the phone cussing him out and then Jacky got back on the phone told me it was her brother before she hung up on me," we were pulling up to Sara Motel.

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