Chapter 6

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Ch. 6


I woke up feeling a little light headed, then I heard a soft knock at my door. As I was getting up to answer the door I was sad that David left me alone, it felt so nice lying next to him.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Ed ask.

"Question is, how are you feeling," I look at him sadly, he had a black eye and a swollen lip.

"This is nothing sweetie, I had worst, but I'm good and David apologized. Now how are you because I heard what happen, meeting your aunt," he gave me a smile.

"I'm okay, she was asking about my family and you know how hard that is, but you know that," I said giving him a small smile.

"Well, your aunt is still here and her daughter just showed up and she is anxious to meet you," Ed said but has this weird look on his face.

"What's with that look, is she a bitch or something?" I chuckle at my own comment.

"What, ah, well maybe she can be sometimes, anyways wash up so that we can go downstairs. They order lots of food, so come on cause I'm hungry," he said as I stood up going to the bathroom to wash up.

I fix my makeup, which was just some powered cover up, eyeliner, mascara, and some tan lipstick. I don't pack it on because I don't like my makeup cake on.

"You ready beautiful?" Ed asked.

"Yes, and thank you," I smiled and then gave him a wink.

It was cute though because he blushes a little.

I put my arm through his arm and we both took off walking back downstairs.

As we were both walking into the dining room the ladies were all sitting at the table. They all look up at us, "awe, Mija, I'm sorry about earlier," my Tia Sofia was saying but I cut her off.

"Don't worry about it. It happens all the time when I talk about them," I gave my Tia a small smile.

"Hey, I'm your cousin Tiffany," she smiles big and gave me her hand to shake.

"Hey, I'm Jaclyn," I said then shook her hand.

"Wow, you are all natural," Tiffany said tilting her head at me.

Did she just insult me? I gave her a look like no she didn't just say that to me.

"Tiffany, stop being mean," my aunt reprimand her.

"Aye Ma, she knows I wasn't being an ass to her," Tiffany rolled her eyes at her mom.

Let me explain how my cousin Tiffany looks like. She is a fake blond hair with tons of makeup on her. I see now why Ed kind of made that remark about my cousin. She likes those rich snobby kids.

"Don't worry about Tia, I would have known if she was being an ass with me, it's cool, right Prima," I said looking at Tiffany, giving her a wink.

If looks can kill I would have been dead the way she glances at me real quick.

"Yes, Tiffany, anyways my hair is all natural color. I don't like to color my hair and put a lot of makeup, the lighter the better. I don't want to look like a clown and scare the people away," I chuckle as Sara and Ed do too.

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