Chapter 2

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Ch. 2


It's morning and I'm emailing John and Kristin before I meet up with Sara.

Hey Guys,

Well, I made it to Cresent California. It is very beautiful out here I haven't seen everything but from what I just saw it is nice. I can't wait to go to the ocean, I can smell the ocean from here.

Anyways I'm staying at the Cresent Motel and I'm working here part time at the Motel. I met the owner her name is Sara and can you believe her father is the Alpha of this rich snobby Pack. You were right Kristin, I already met some snobby kids here.

I'm going to ask Sara today if she knows Sofia Campos. I figure since her dad is Alpha, she might know most of the people here, well the Pack.

I will email you all as soon as I find out who is this lady. I miss you guys so much and stop putting money on the cards jerks! SMH, you guys are crazy, I have no way to repay you guys, so please stop loading money on the card.

Your friend always,

Jac ;)

I hit sent and got up from my bed walking out of my room. I started walking downstairs and as I turn the corner I see Sara standing outside with some guy driving an expensive car. They both look my way as I'm walking towards the entrance of the Motel. Sara waves hi to me, but the guy next to her just stares at me, giving me ugly looks. He had that facial expression like he just smelled shit. I heard a door open and it was Ed coming out of the Motel entrance.

"Hey!" Ed says it loud that everyone turns his way. He was walking towards me with an extra cup of coffee.

"Hey," I smiled at him.

"I got you some coffee," he handed me the extra cup. "Awe, thanks," and I lean in kissing his cheek.

"Hey, guys, I will meet you both in my office," Sara looks at the both of us.

"Sure, no problem Sara," Ed responded. Then another expensive car drove up parks next to the other car. Sara and that guy she is talking to were still standing there, then I saw who got out of that other car my luck it was Martin, he stands next to that other guy that Sara is talking to.

"What the fuck you looking at, smelling ass," Martin look directly at me.

"Shut the hell up Martin!" Sara yelled at him.

I just chuckle and started walking towards the door with Ed.

"Bitch, you think this is funny," Martin took a few steps pulled me back by grabbing my braid.

I growled and punched him in the face with my elbow. Ed pulled me back towards him and then stood in front of me. Martin was bleeding from his nose, "Back down!" the other guy demanded Martin standing in front of him.

"Fuck that, this bitch came at me!" Martin glared at me, breathing heavy.

"You started asshole," Sara said giving him a dirty look.

"You okay?" Ed asked. "I'm good, let's go inside and touch me again you will regret it!" I said to Martin.

This time, Martin knock me down on my back, he was on top of me choking me. I saw Ed and Sara trying to pull him off. The guy that was talking to Sara also helps and pulls Martin up, "I COMMAND YOU TO BACK DOWN NOW!" he yelled at him and that is when it hit me. This is Sara brother because I felt his Alpha tone.

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