Chapter 2

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Lapis was startled by the sudden ringing of the bell. She quickly shut her book and passed it to Peridot, who threw them onto the desk in front. The kid sitting in front of them sighed and passed the books onwards until they reached the box where they belonged. Lapis turned towards Peridot, who was frantically stuffing her equipment into her bag.

"What's the rush?" She asked, watching the blonde whilst also putting her stuff away.

Peridot glared at Lapis before turning back to what she was doing. After placing a couple of books into the old green bag, she slung it over on shoulder and started walking out of the classroom. Lapis ignored the calls of her friends and followed peridot out of the maths block and down a long path towards the drama, music and ICT block.

"Do you have drama now?" Lapis asked, jogging alongside Peridot to catch up. She was surprisingly fast for someone so small.

Peridot chuckled to herself, as if the thing Lapis had just said was a joke. She stopped walking to face Lapis with a raised eyebrow. "No, I don't have drama" she said, sneering.

"Oh!" Lapis snapped her fingers as Peridot made a right towards the technology block. She seemed to walk faster as she entered the building, opened the door and sliding in. Lapis almost thought she could see her smiling. "Nerd".

Lapis spun around on her heel as she saw that she was one of the last people outside. There as only mere seconds before the late bell rang and see couldn't afford to be late. Not for one of her favourite subjects. She slipped off her shoes and walked into the room. She was greeted by her small friend, Amethyst, the only person she actually liked in her drama class. Lapis threw her bag into the back corner of the room and went to sit in the small group sitting in front of their new drama teacher.

Their teacher was short, with red dyed hair. She stood over the class, introducing herself and talking about what kind of projects they would be doing over the next year. She also mentioned a couple of productions that were holding auditions for, which Lapis was super excited about. One of said auditions was tonight. Lapis made a mental note to tell her friends not to wait up for her.

"So" Amethyst said when the teacher stopped talking to them to sit herself on the computer and get up a PowerPoint their current project. "I saw you hanging out with the nerd".

"What? Oh, peridot?" Lapis waited until her friend nodded before going on "yeah, I don't think she has any friends, maybe we could invite her into our group?" She suggested, hoping Amethyst would approve.

Amethyst brushed her dark brown bangs out of her eyes before looking up at Lapis with an almost confused look on her face. "No, Peridot doesn't have any friends because she hasn't bothered to make any" she pointed out "and honestly I think she's too socially awkward to join our friend group let alone any other friend group".

"You sure seem to know a lot about Peridot" Lapis inquired, standing up with her smaller friend and moving to a corner and out of the small crowd of students who were chatting loudly to one another.

The teacher was still absentmindedly tapping away on her keyboard, distracted by something that must've been important. She stood up and ordered the class to sit quietly in pairs until she sorted out the situation then went back. Lapis and Amethyst sat down and continued talking.

"Well, she did have a friend. A long, long time ago" Amethyst said dramatically, making the bluenette laugh. "Y'know Jasper?"

Lapis rolled her eyes and nodded. Of course, she almost got expelled because of her. She smiled at the memory though. She regretted nothing.

"OK, that was a dumb question" Amethyst said, breaking the silence. "They used to be friends but something happened. Not sure what though but it must've been something bad" she shrugged then went on once again "Peridot didn't come to school for months and when she did, she was never the same".

As Amethyst concluded her little story, the teacher stood up once again, grabbing the small remote and unfreezing the interactive whiteboard. The PowerPoint slide lit up the dark room in a pale green glow. The task was, in pairs, to recreate a scene from a Shakespeare play. Sounded boring...

They got given scripts, a different play for each pair and got to work. Lapis handed the script to her partner before flipping through the pages and skim reading them until she found a part she found interesting. She doubted she would though, even as an actress she found Shakespeare's works confusing and slightly boring. Her mind went back to the auditions after school and he turned towards Amethyst, who had scrapped looking through the script and had gotten out her phone. Typical.

"Hey, can you tell Pearl and the others I'm staying back at school for auditions?" Lapis asked, knowing full well her brunette friend either would 'forget' or lie about where she was.

"Sure, whatever" she waved it off, opening up Instagram and pulling Lapis towards her for a picture.

"Amethyst! You're gonna get yelled at if you don't stop" Lapis hissed, elbowing Amethyst and glancing towards the teacher.

Amethyst rolled her eyes, slipping her phone back into her pocket and picking up the script. After about half the lesson, the pair had made up a decent routine. Some groups had to perform theirs but others were lucky enough to escape the embarrassment. This went on until the bell rang, everyone got up, grabbed their stuff, slipped on their shoes and made their way outside.

- - -

Lapis sighed happily as the final bell went off, signalling the end of the day. She stood up, slung her bag over her shoulder and made her way back to the drama block. She stepped into a large room. It was mostly empty except for a large piano in the corner and a stage on the far side of the room. Lights were set up above the stage and some other strange looking machines that Lapis didn't recognise were scattered around.

Scanning the room, Lapis spotted her drama teacher handing out large scripts. She took one, sitting down on a bench on the side and started reading. She only looked up to see people walking up onto the stage sand reading lines. Lapis felt confident. Throughout her years in this school, she had almost always gotten the leading role in the productions and if not the lead, then another important role.

Someone called her name and she got up onto the stage. She had already memorised a small paragraph and began to pace around the stage, speaking her lines loud and clear. When she'd stopped, she looked up to see people clapping. She smiled and walked off.

Lapis was about to leave the room when she spotted a familiar head of blonde hair. Her eyes widened as she saw who is was.


Sorry if this isn't the best written chapter, I keep getting distracted and idk...
Thanks for reading ~


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