Chapter 39

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Peridot nibbled at her pasta as she watched Lapis sprint away towards the sea. Once the waves lapped at her feet, she stopped running, getting used to the cold water before finally wading in. She laughed as she noticed Lapis visibly shudder as the cold ran up her spine, now so used to the warm weather. When the tanned girl was waist deep in salt water, she ducked her head under and didn't emerge until a couple of seconds later. Her blue hair stuck to her face in odd angles and water was dripping into her eyes but other than that, she was giving Peridot a toothy grin which she couldn't help but return.

She watched her lover swim around for a bit until she set down her food and opened up her book and began to read.

Peridot didn't know how long it had been until someone tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped up, a little startled. Okay. A lot startled. Behind her, Lapis stood, soaking wet and laughing so hard she almost fell over. She wiped away the tears forming in her eyes and knelt down the Peridot's level, pulling her into an awkward wet hug. Peridot tried to complain but she got a face full of damp hair instead.

"You're so cute" Lapis cooed, peppering Peridot's face with tiny kisses and making the smaller girl go bright red. She tried to push the taller away but she was a lot stronger than she looked.

"I'm not cute" Peridot huffed, defeated.

Lapis laughed that beautiful laugh of hers and Peridot melted a little inside. She forced down the smile forming at her lips, not wanting the give Lapis the satisfaction. She was stubborn like that.

Suddenly, a pain shot up her leg, or, what was left of it. Phantom pains were not unusual to the blonde but now was not the best time. Peridot grimaced and reached down to rub her leg in an attempt to relieve the aching. Lapis immediately let go and sat down next to Peridot, towel wrapped tightly around her body, watching intently. She was waiting to see if she needed to help. Or she was curious.

Peridot signed angrily and undid the clasp the attached the prosthetic to her leg. She slid it off and Lapis gasped. Scars wound around the stump, some bright pink and others fading into her skin. Peridot tried not to feel so exposed as she eased the pain away, not making eye contact with Lapis or anyone was happened to be near them. She was high-key grateful that the beach was so quiet today.

She looked up and saw Lapis visibly tense, opening her her mouth but closing it a second later as if she wanted to say something, to ask a question. To ask the question.

Peridot sighed and threw her a smile, slipping the prosthetic back on and running a hand though her hair.

"You can ask you know".

"What?" Lapis refused to look Peridot in the eye, red dusting her cheeks as she exclaimed "ask what?"

Peridot rolled her eyes "we've been friends for ages. We started dating like, a couple months ago. You can ask, I trust you, Lapis". She crossed her legs and slid the book back into her bag, giving Lapis her full attention.

Lapis' face grew more red. She looked guilty.


"I'd feel guilty for asking such a personal question, Peridot".

"Its okay to be curious".

Lapis didn't reply.

"Ask and you shall receive".

Lapis covered her mouth with her hand as she snorted.

Peridot nudged her a little, giving her a grin that read 'its okay, I'm ready to tell you'.

And so, Lapis took in a deep breath and asked the question she'd been wanting to ask since she'd found out.

"How did you lose you leg?" She started off awkwardly quiet "like, were you born like that? Or was it an accident? You don't have to tell me everything if you don't want to. Just a faint outline. I understand if its personal and all-"

The blonde cut her off "Lapis you're rambling".


More silence.

Peridot sucked in a deep breath and started playing with the hem of her shirt, unsure on where to start with the story. Did she need to include all the details? Yeah, probably.

"Okay" Peridot readied herself. "Its kind of generic but it was actually a car crash. My mother got out of it pretty much unscathed. I was on the side where the other car hit".

And so she told her story.

Guys GUYS, I'm gonna make this a lapidot bomb and post as many chapters as I can during this week which will finally conclude this damn book which has been causing me such great pain :')  I'm super excited to start other projects (most of my attention will be on 'the lions roar') and there will definitely be more lapidot fics coming your way!! :D

Next chapter will be the full flashback


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