Chapter 9

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Peridot set down the controller, glancing at the small ocean themed alarm clock on Lapis' desk. It read 9:25pm. Sighing, she stood up, making Lapis pause what she was doing and look up with wide blue eyes.

"I have to go, its getting pretty late" all Peridot could do was avoid eye contact and nod towards the clock. For some reason, the thought of leaving Lapis' company made her feel sad. Her company made her feel happy and safe, even though she'd never say that out loud.

Lapis nodded, a flash of sadness showing on her face but it was gone as quickly as it came. Peridot blinked and turned around to pick up her bag and leave the room. She felt a warm hand on her shoulder which for some reason, sent a shiver down her spine. She hoped Lapis didn't notice.

"Its been fun! Maybe we could hang out like this again?" Lapis asked, a goofy grin on her face.

"Uh...sure" Peridot didn't know how to react. She hasn't been asked this in a very long time and it made her feel more secure in an odd way. Knowing that someone actually cares about her.

Lapis' smile widened and she squeezed the blondes shoulder before turning around and picking up a piece of what looked like scrap paper and tearing the bottom of it off. Next, she got a pen. Blue of course, and scribbled down something, handing it to Peridot and pushing her out of her room. The smaller girl waved a goodbye and walked out of the blue girls house and entered her car. She opened her closed fist and stared at this piece of paper. It was her number. She had gotten a girls number! Peridot wore a small grin all the way home. It only faltered when she opened the door to her own house to find it empty. This was usual. It was always empty but this time a sense of loneliness made Peridot shiver.

Peridot flicked on the lights and made her way towards the kitchen, opening drawers and such until she found something edible and to her taste. A bag of doritos caught her eye. She lifted it from the top shelf and stared at it. The cheese flavoured ones. Nice. Opening it up and digging into her snack, she slowly walked up to her room.

When she had finished, she tossed the bag to the side and lay down on her bed, trying to find a comfortable position. Finally finding one, she closed her eyes.

- - -

For once, Peridots alarm didn't wake her up. She had forgotten to set it the previous day. No, today she was awoken by a sound she hadn't heard in a long time. A text. Groggily, she sat up, rubbing her eyes and placing her glasses on the end of her nose. Picking up her phone, she tapped on a couple of things and opened up the text. It was from Lapis. Of course it was. How she got the blondes number was a mystery. If she was correct, she had given Peridot her number, not the other way round. But Peridot was still a little drowsy, she had slept surprisingly well last night. Maybe she had scribbled down her own digits, maybe she hadn't.

Lapis: Mornin' Peri

Peridot: I told you not to call me that.

Lapis: aww come on D:

Peridot: what do you want?

Lapis: just wanted to say hi!

Lapis: and to see if you wanted to hang out after school?? Rehearsals don't start until next week

Peridot: Did you even think about asking me this at school?

Lapis: oh... Well, too late now! So yes or no?

Peridot: Fine, fine. Look, I'll see you at school, I need to get ready.
Lapis: you're gonna be late ;)

Peridot: Shut up, no I won't...

Peridot sighed and ran a hand through her short hair. Standing up, she made her way to the pile of stray clothes in the corner of her room and picked out a green flannel shirt and some skinny jeans.

Getting changed quickly, she ran down the stairs, almost tripping but saving herself at the last moment. Stopping at the bottom of the staircase, she waited until her heartbeat slowed down, panting slightly. Then, she ran straight to her car, hopping in and starting it up. There was no time for food or getting ready. She had overslept.

Upon arriving at school, she noticed a couple of people hanging around outside and breathed out a sigh of relief. Parking and then stepping out, she tried to compose herself, attempting to flatten her terrible bed head before walking into the building. She glanced at the time. Five minutes to get to her English class.

The bell blared out as soon as she stepped into the room. Sliding into her seat next to Amethyst, she set out her things and looked up, waiting for the teacher to arrive. Lapis sat a couple rows back next to Pearl. She knew the bluenette was staring at her. It made her feel uncomfortable even though it was Lapis.

Amethyst nudged Peridot slightly with her arm, a lopsided grin on her chubby face. "Hey Peridot, did Lapis ask if you wanted to hang out after school?"

Peridot nodded, hesitant to answer. Amethysts grin widened, her dark eyes sparkling.

"Nice! You'll get to meet Steven and Connie, they're pretty cool" for some reason, the first name clicked and Peridot turned around to awkwardly glance and the brunette girl.

"Steven? That chubby kid who complements everyone?" Peridot only knew the kid because when they ever walked past each other, Steven would either greet her or complement her on her clothing, hair of whatever.

Amethyst nodded "and Connie. She's in the same year as Steven. She's pretty quiet so I think you'll get along with her" she smirked and nudged Peridot again.

Peridot growled quietly and shuffled away from the girl. Well, as far away as once could get when they were sitting at the same desk.

The teacher finally walked in, sitting himself in front of the computer to get up a PowerPoint presentation for the lesson. The class grew quiet but Peridot could till feel Lapis' stare. She wanted to turn around and glare back but something in the back of her mind told her not to. Instead, she scowled and looked up towards the front, concentrating other lesson instead of the pretty blue haired girl behind her.


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