Chapter 36

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Lapis sighed and slid down the door, rubbing her temples. She knew Peridot was just trying to help but Lapis could take care of herself. Slowly taking off her backpack and dropping it onto the floor beside the door as she got up, she walked to the kitchen. It wasn't like she appreciated Peridot taking care of her, that's what lovers did. But Jasper wasn't worth it. If it wasn't for her, they'd be back at the beach, eating ice cream and splashing in the sea. But no. Jasper just HAD to stop Lapis as soon as she stepped out of her classroom, lead her into a desolate hallway and threaten her.

She took a carton of orange juice out of the fridge and poured herself a tall glass before settling down on her couch and tucking her legs underneath herself. Lapis sighed as she took a sip, letting the refreshing taste warm her mood. She knew Peridot would be worried about her but she had mentally decided to text her later. Now was about her. Alone time. Lapis adjusted her position on the couch, turning on her TV to catch up on some shows on Netflix. A relaxing evening was just what she needed. No stress. Stress would make her feel worse. She knew from experience. Lapis had had a stressful life before she met Peridot.

Four hours later the blue haired girl found herself in her bathroom, watching as crystal clear water filled up the pristine white tub. Lapis had never really liked baths. Showers were much quicker and she could be in and out in the span of ten minutes, hair washed and ready for the day. But baths. Baths were relaxing and she knew that it would calm all nerves. Maybe she could make it up to Peridot and go to the beach at the weekend. An entire day with her favourite person sounded really good right now.

Just before she hopped into the tub, Lapis grabbed her phone and texted Peridot. Then, she set her phone down on the radiator, which was turned off, and slid into the bath.

Lapis loved the feeling of the warm water surrounding her. It was so calm, hearing the faint splash as she moved towards the bottle of shampoo and began to rub it into her scalp.

It reminded her of back when she was little. During summertime her parents would get out the little inflatable pool for her and her cousins who usually stayed over during the warmer months. Her dad would blow it up using a pump and her mother would fill it up with the hose. It was always with warm water though, as she remembered always complaining about how cold the water was when she didn't. The memory brought a fond smile onto Lapis' face. She closed her eyes and wallowed in her memories.

- - -

Lapis grinned wide as she pranced around the backyard in her new two piece ocean blue swimsuit. It was mid summer and she had just just gotten off from school so she figured it was the perfect day for the pool. Her aunt had arrived from her home a couple hours away late yesterday, which had left her with her two younger cousins to hang out with. Lapis enjoyed their company. Even though they could be really annoying at times. But she couldn't complain. She didn't have many friends, let alone friends that lived near her.

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