Chapter 31

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Peridot watched as the rain splattered against the window, echoing around the room. She leant forward and pressed her forehead onto the cold glass, closing her eyes and just listening to the noise? It was calming in a way. Peridot liked rain. Well, she did if she wasn't stuck in it. A flash of lightening brought her back into reality and she jumped back, eyes wide. She shut the curtain and sighed, rubbing her tired eyes.

The door opened behind her and she turned around to see Lapis holding several packets of crisps and two piping hot mugs of hot chocolate. Lapis passed one of the mugs to Peridot. It was decorated with little flowers, the handle in the shape and colour of a vine. She smiled and took a sip of the drink, licking up the stray cream that coated her mouth.

Lapis dropped the food and sat beside her near the window. She set her mug down on the carpeted floor, cradling it with her hands and also making sure she didn't burn herself.

"Its raining pretty hard, eh?" She said, pulling one of her curtains open to look at the dark storm clouds hovering above her house.
Peridot knew she was planning something and she didn't like it. As much as she loved the idea of cuddling up to Lapis and listening to the rain beat on her window she knew that would never happen. And she had accepted that. Ever since Lapis had found out Peridot was a raging homosexual, everything had seemed less tense and both girls were definitely acting more comfortable around each other. But that didn't excuse the fact that a relationship between them would most likely not happen. For many, many reasons that Peridot had went through thousands of times in her head. And every time, her heart yearned for her to be with Lapis. But it was never meant to be, was it?

Suddenly Lapis stood up, walking over to her wardrobe and pulling out a pair of long trousers, boots and a thick dark blue hoodie that didn't really look like the kind of thing Lapis would wear. It wasn't her shade, more of a navy colour than an actual blue. She pulled on the clothes, ignoring the fact that Peridot was still sitting on her floor, sipping her cocoa as she watched the blue haired girl slip on her hoodie and pull it down. It was obviously way too big, it almost reached down to her knees and the sleeves were too long. In conclusion: she looked adorable in her oversized hoodie that looked like it could fit...Jasper.

Peridot froze in sudden realisation that Lapis and Jasper had once been friends. She wanted to cry but she stopped herself. For Lapis. Instead, she forced out a smile that she was sure the taller girl could see straight through and followed her back down the stairs. When Lapis opened her front door, she stopped at the foot of the staircase, shaking her head.

"Come on, Peridot" Lapis groaned, leaning on the door and waiting for her small friend. She stared at her with big blue eyes, making the blondes heart thud noisily in her chest. She hoped lapis couldn't hear it.

"I can't get my leg wet" Peridot blurted, not really thinking what she had said through. She wasn't sure what would happen if she got her prosthetic wet, the joints could rust over and then she'd have to fix it. Again.

The blue haired girl sighed, twisting the door handle as she thought."you're wearing jeans!" She said nonchalantly, raising an eyebrow.

"So? Its pouring out there!" She grabbed a fistful of jean and looked up at Lapis, eyebrows knitted together "these are not waterproof, lazuli".

"Come on!" She pressed "I'm sure a little water couldn't hurt" Lapis stepped forward and intertwined her fingers with Peridot's.

"Like you'd know" the blonde grumbled, letting herself be dragged to the door but stopped once again in front of it. She couldn't bring herself to step out, knowing the consequences of doing so.

Lapis ignored her, twisting the door handle as she spoke up "come on! Stop being such a buzzkill" she groaned at the blonde, stepping outside and holding out her arms. The rain hit her immediately, her blue hair sticking to her tanned face.

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