Chapter 12

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Lapis set her phone down on the canteen table. Because of Peridot's absence, she had met up with her friends and was eating lunch with them. At first, they had complained about Peridot but Lapis had managed to convince some of them to turn over a new leaf and actually get to know her. Pearl and Amethyst had agreed, Garnet and Sapphire just nodded and Ruby... She declined. Lapis wasn't surprised, just a little disappointed.

The bluenette turned to Amethyst. The shorter was eating a sandwich with an undescribable substance inside it. Her mouth was lingering over it, her dark eyes lingering on Lapis. Taking this as an opportunity, Lapis opened her mouth to speak.

"Hey Ame, do you know Peridot's address?" She asked in a barely audible mumble, making sure the others sitting around her didn't hear. They'd probably think she was weird.

A wide grin spread across this tanned girls features. "Why do you ask?" Knowingly, she took a bite out of her sandwich. A drop of white...liquid dropped onto the table, making Pearl sigh.

"Just curious" she answered as casually as she could. To be honest she didn't know the full reason. She was just worried.

Her reply seemed to go over Amethysts head. The brunette had already ripped out a page from one of her books, stole a pen from Pearl, and was scribbling down what looked like an address. Seconds later, she passed it over to Lapis, who brought it closer to her face to read it... And to make sure the others didn't spot what was on said paper. Noticing no one was actually looking at her, Lapis brought the paper down and slid it into her pocket. Everything was quiet on the table, it was always like this. Amethyst had gone back to eating, Pearl was catching up on homework, Garnet had left the table a while ago and probably wasn't coming back and Ruby and Sapphire were doing cute couple stuff.

Lapis sighed to herself, and leant forward onto the table, propping her head up with her hand. Taking out her phone, she decided to attempt to text Peridot. After around five minutes of one sided conversation and two attempts at calls, the blue haired girl gave up, sighing once more. Pearls head snapped up from her school book.

Placing her pen down and raising and eyebrow she asked "is everything all right?"

Touched by Pearl's worry, Lapis nodded, sending her a small smile. Unconvinced, Pearl shook her head and continued to work, until her neat handwriting covered the entire page. Only then did she shut her book, placing it back into her bag and turning to talk to Amethyst.

It was always like this, Lapis being the 'outcast' of the group, even though she liked to think of herself as 'the glue that held them together'. She technically was. Well, her and Amethyst. But Amethyst was much more popular and likeable than she was. Lapis was extrovert, sure, but she wasn't as outgoing as the small brunette who was now stood up and yelling at Pearl.

Those two always fought but somehow managed to make up. They were like, the best of friends and though Lapis would never admit it out loud, she secretly shipped them.

Nobody knew how they did it but she guessed they were just perfect for each other. With a small smirk on her face, Lapis stood up and walked out of the canteen, not bothering to tell the others where she was going.

Leaning against a row of lockers, she took out the slip of paper with Peridot's supposed address. Amethyst could be pranking her but the only way she could tell was by going to said address. It was surprisingly close to her street, only a ten minute walk down a long road, turn left and then you're there. Lapis was determined to take the risk if it meant that Peridot would get better faster.

The bell rang and Lapis turned around and headed to her last class, clutching the paper in her hand.

- - -

"It should be..." Lapis narrowed her eyes at the paper then back down the street the house was supposedly on. She looked up at the house next to her, recognising the number as the same on the paper. "Here!"

With a small grin, she stepped up to the door, her hand lingering for a little too long. Negative thoughts passed in her mind, making her lower her hand and hesitate. What if this was the wrong house? What if Peridot didn't want her here? What if she got angry and stopped talking to Lapis?

Her heart thumped in her chest and she closed her eyes and knocked three times. A couple of second she heard a familiar voice coming from the other side of the door. This made Lapis' confidence come back.

"One sec!" The voice was muffled but still audible. It was definitely Peridot.

More shuffling was heard and then a loud thump and a groan. Biting back a chuckle, Lapis waited, fiddling with the zip of her bag.

Finally, the door opened to reveal Peridot, messy haired and wrapped in a blanket. She was rubbing her head, massaging it as she looked up at Lapis with happy green eyes.

"Hey" she said, her lips twitching upwards in an awkward smile.

"Hi" Lapis stepped into the house when peridot moved aside. "Told ya I'd come".

Peridot hummed in reply, wrapping the dark green blanket tighter around herself and shuffling back into what looked like the living room.

It was quite a large room with pale yellow walls. A decent sized TV sat at one end, and a couch on the other, next to a smaller armchair with even more blankets draped over it and a pillow sitting on one arm.

"Did I Wake you up?" Lapis was suddenly hesitant again, not wanting to interrupt the blondes much needed sleep.

Peridot shook her head "not really. I was trying but it's hard when your whole body hurts" she began rubbing her forehead again, slumping into the armchair with a tired sigh.

Lapis sat down on the couch, observing the decor of the room. Along the yellow walls were multiple pictures of paintings, drawings and old photos of a smaller Peridot standing next to a very tall blonde woman with light brown eyes wearing a suit. In the corner of the room stood a framed picture of a man with green eyes. The frame was cracked and broken and the shelf that it sat on was dusty and looked like it hadn't been cleaned for years.

Blinking, lapis turned to Peridot "wanna watch a film or something?"

Peridot nodded, her eyes half lidded. Lapis grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned on the TV.


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