Chapter 34

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Lapis glanced over at her alarm clock from her seat next to the small blonde. By now it was early afternoon and the two had done nothing but sit and binge for the last couple hours. The blue haired girl sat up straight and ran a tanned hand through her thick blue bangs. The blonde looked up, her green eyes tired but aware. She followed Lapis as she made her way back to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and opening it up. Peridot watched her quietly, a small smile playing at her lips as she strummed her fingers on the granite countertop.

"Hey" Lapis said through gulps of water. "Do you wanna go outside, its been snowing all night" she set the bottle down and wiped her mouth with her wrist "we can invite the others over and have a snowball fight or something. And then another sleepover? You can stay in my bed".

The pale girls cheeks grew red but she nodded, wanting to make her girlfriend happy. She had never liked snow, it melted quickly due to body heat and it made her clothes damp  and smell like a sewer. Plus, she was never one for snowball fights, getting hit repeatedly with balls of snow had never appealed to her. But, she reminded herself, this was to make Lapis happy. And maybe she'd enjoy it.

"Awesome sauce" she grinned ear to ear and pulled her phone out from her pocket. She opened the group chat, her fingers flying across the touchscreen keyboard for a couple of seconds before she placed the device onto the counter and waited for a reply.

"Never say that again"

"What? Awesome sauce?" Lapis laughed as her girlfriend flinched, running a hand down her freckled face.

"I'm breaking up with you" she grumbled.

Lapis laughed harder. "Aww you love me really!" She bent down to Peridot's height, which seemed to annoy her even more,  and kissed her forehead, holding her bangs out of the way with one hand and cupping her cheek in the other.

"Shut up" the blonde tried to pull away but Lapis was surprisingly strong for someone so skinny. She was a swimmer. Of course she was strong.

"Admit you love me and I'll let go" Lapis squeezed the smaller, making her wheeze loudly and groan into her shoulder.

"I love you" Peridot said quietly, face bright red.

"What was that?"

"I said" Peridot cleared her throat "I love you Lapis".

Lapis' grin widened and she set go, making the blonde fall dramatically onto the tiled floor. The taller girl only laughed and reached down to help her up.

Her phone vibrated, making her drop Peridot out of excitement. She cursed loudly and stood up by herself, peering over Lapis' shoulder as she texted.

"Its a yes!" Lapis exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air "Amethyst, Pearl Garnet and Steven can come over".

"What about Ruby and Sapphire?" Peridot asked, raising an eyebrow at the phone in her lovers hands.

Lapis just shrugged, unsure herself "they just said they couldn't come. It doesn't matter, we'll see them next week anyways".

"Fair enough" Peridot smiled warmly and told Lapis she was going to change into something a bit warmer. She came back wearing her favourite oversized green hoodie and black sweatpants.

"They'll be here in 30 minutes" Lapis informed, once again setting down her phone and glancing over to the smaller "what do you want to do while we wait?"

Before the blonde could suggest more Camp Pining Hearts, Lapis had pinned her to the wall and began kissing her. Peridot kissed back, her hands resting on Lapis' shoulders whilst the taller girls were in her messy blonde hair, curled into fists as the kiss deepened. Soon Lapis broke away, a trail of saliva coming off their lips. Peridot wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her hoodie while Lapis trailed soft kisses down her neck.

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