Chapter 7

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Peridot frowned as she raised her arm to open her car door. She had made the mistake of turning her head when someone had called her name. Normally, she just ignored them, yelled insults at them of just flipped them off but this was Lapis. Now that she thought about it, the blue haired girl never left her alone and it made her very uncomfortable.

"Hey Peridot!" Lapis ran over to her, cutting her out of her dumb thoughts. Peridot blinked, letting go of the car door to turn towards the bluenette.

"What" she deadpanned, trying to show the cheerful girl that she wanted nothing to do with her. Not at the moment. Peridot did enjoy her company but sometimes it was too much. To overwhelming for someone who has had no social life for a very long time.

"I didn't know you could drive" Lapis' ocean blue eyes were wide and it made Peridot feel weird. Why was she so surprised, she lived on her own and had practically no money, of course she had to drive herself everywhere. But Lapis didn't know that...

"Yeah" Peridot didn't know what else to say. She could feel herself start to sweat and adjusted her dark green hoodie.

Suddenly Lapis looked awkward. She stared at her shoes for a couple of seconds before looking up into Peridots eyes and biting her lip.

"Hey, can you drive me home? I left my bus pass my house and I'm broke" she gave a light hearted laugh.

"Sure I guess" Peridot didn't want to but she guessed she would return the favour as Lapis was technically her 'friend' now. Well, it felt more one sided but Lapis was a nice person.

Lapis grinned and shoved her bag into the back seat before getting in next to Peridot. Both sat at the front as Peridot had a ton of junk at the back. Half of it was because the blonde was too lazy to clean the other half was tech projects.

"So" Lapis began as Peridot started up her car. Her eyes were locked on the road in front of her as lapis started talking loudly in her ear. Part of her regretted doing this.

Peridot hummed in response, reaching over to turn on the radio. Lapis stopped her, placing a tan hand on hers, making the blonde blush. Peridot pulled away and took a second to glare at the bluenette before turning her eyes back to the road.

"I just want to talk to you" Lapis said "you seem like a nice girl" she adjusted her seatbelt and stared out the window, waiting for a response.

The blonde snorted. Lapis frowned. Did the shorter girl honestly believe she wasn't a nice person? Amethyst mentioned some sort of accident, maybe that was it?? Would she dare ask?

"Well" Lapis pressed on, hoping to get something out of Peridot "turn right down here- Okay, so, tell me about yourself".

Peridot shrugged "what do you want to know?" Something inside her head was telling her to stop but she ignored it. It was overpowering her anxiety and it felt kinda nice? She felt calmer around Lapis, even when she was being annoying.

"Y'know, favourite colour? Animal? Family?"

"Uh" peridot hesitated at family. To her, she had no family "my favourite colours green, I love wolves, there pretty cool I guess" pausing, she added "I'm not a furry, though" That earned her a snort from Lapis. she stopped, turning left down a thin road before finishing"and I don't really have anyone I can call family anymore".

This was supposed to be a simple statement but it made Lapis even more intrigued. She wanted Peridot to go on but she didn't.

"You okay" Lapis turned to look at Peridot. She was worried to say the least.

Peridot bit her lip and nodded, suddenly slamming on the brakes. Lapis shot forward, hitting her forehead on the dashboard. She drew back, holding her head.

Rising Tides (Human!lapidot)Where stories live. Discover now