Chapter 10

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Lapis sat down on the wall outside of the schools main building. The bell had sounded around five minutes ago and groups of people were slowly walking towards the gates. And then there was Lapis. She was waiting for Peridot, knowing she had tech last and was probably going to be late because well... It was her favourite lesson. Nerd.

Amethyst had texted her prior, telling her to meet the small group at the park near her house. She had agreed, telling her she was waiting for Peridot and wouldn't be long. But now she was getting kinda worried. Standing up and slinging her bag over one shoulder, she decided to go to the tech building to check up on her. She walked in and knocked on the door to the room. She knew this was Peridot's classroom because of all the electronic junk lying around. The others were either computer rooms or textile classrooms.

A teacher opened the door and peered down at lapis. "Yes?" She asked, obviously not wanting to be there.

"I was wondering if you knew where peridot is?" Lapis replied as politely as she could "I figured she'd be here".

The teacher shook her head, telling the bluenette she had left a while ago. But not in the direction of the only exit of the school. In fact, it was the other way, towards the English block. Processing this new information, Lapis thanked the teacher and jogged towards the English block. She almost kicked the door off its hinges as she entered the building, frantically looking around for the familiar head of blonde hair. Instead, she was met by a scene of scattered books, stationary and blood. Eyes wide, she turned around the corner and saw Jasper standing over Peridot, her large hands clenched into tight fists.

"That's what you get for disobeying me" the larger girl growled, her dark eyes flashing.

Peridot, who was on the floor, holding her bleeding...face, looked up to meet eyes with Jasper. Her glasses were off, thrown to the other side of the corridor and snapped in half. She could barely see.

"I'm not your slave" her voice cracked and she winced.

Jasper threw back her head and laughed, pressing a foot against Peridot's back, making her sprawl against ground with a small yelp. She looked hurt but it wasn't too bad. Not yet. Lapis stepped into view, clearing her throat loudly. Jasper spun around, her eyes growing wide but showing no fear. When she saw who it was, her evil grin widened and she took her foot off Peridot to walk up to the shorter girl.

"Lapis lazuli" she greeted "come to help me beat up this nerd?" Her question made Lapis grit her teeth. It took all her will not to punch her in the face.

"No, I came to tell you to stop" lapis said in almost a growl.

By now, Peridot had gotten up to retrieve what was left of her glasses. She frowned when she saw how battered they were and started mumbling angrily to herself, ignoring the injuries on her pale face.

Jasper raised an eyebrow at Lapis, taking her time to process what she was saying. "What!? You're on her side" she jabbed a finger towards Peridot, who was rubbing her eyes. Lapis couldn't tell if we was crying or not.

Angrily huffing, Jasper turned to storm off. But not before she glared down at Peridot, mouthing something to her, making the smaller shudder. Lapis ran up to her, helping her to her feet. Peridot was doubled over in pain, her eyes screwed shut.

Frantically, Lapis checked the time. Fifteen minutes after the bell had gone, just enough time to get things sorted. She ran to the medical room, Peridot trailing slowly behind her. Knocking on the door, she waited for an answer, checking over Peridot herself. The blonde looked okay, just a couple of bruises and scratches.

The door opened, revealing a tall woman with bright eyes. Her curly hair that cascaded down her back was a light pink and she wore the usual medical staff uniform. A simple shirt and trousers. When she looked over to Peridot, her eyes widened slightly and she ushered both girls into the room.

Lapis got out her phone and sat down whilst Peridot jumped up into a taller seat. Rose, the school nurse, checked over her, mumbling something Lapis couldn't quite catch.

Lapis: Hey Amethyst we might not make it this time

Amethyst: aww why not?? We're all waiting for ya

Lapis: peridot got hurt

Amethyst: I'm not even gonna ask

Amethyst: just text me if you guys are still coming, we'll be at the park for a little longer then we're heading over to the big donut

Lapis: OK

Lapis sighed and looked up. Peridot held a tissue to her nose in one hand and an icepack in the other. Rose was nowhere to be seen.

"You okay Peri?" Lapis asked, trying to break to silence in the room.

Peridot winced at the sudden sound and slowly turned her head to look at the bluenette. She gave her a little nod before going back to staring at the floor.

Lapis opened up the messaging app back up on her phone.

Lapis: I don't think peridot can come this time

Amethyst: yeah that's OK, we can reschedule

Lapis: cool

She was grateful the she had such considerate friends. But right now, she had to look after Peridot. Lapis stood up and walked over to her, sitting herself next to her. Peridot didn't flinch.

Rose came back into the room, holding a slip of paper which she handed to Peridot. Next, she handed her a small box and helped her her up.

"Can you help her home? If there are any problems, come see me tomorrow" Rose said, a small smile on her face.

Lapis nodded and carefully gripped Peridots arm, guiding her out of the room and then, out of the school.

"" the blonde mumbled, pulling Lapis towards the carpark.

"But I can't drive drive" Lapis protested, causing Peridot to chuckle to herself.

"You won't be the one driving" she wriggled out of Lapis' hold and got in, patting the seat next to her with a smile.

Lapis grinned and got into the car.

Eh, I had no WiFi for the weekend but I wrote this because we had nothing to do except watch films all day. Sorry its pretty badly written, I wrote half of it when I was half asleep and then just kept going because idk. I prefer it when Jasper is friends with Peridot (or siblings) but I guess its too late now lmao


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