Chapter 23

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Peridot groaned, raising her arm in an attempt to block out the trail of sunlight coming from her window. It didn't work. At all. Instead, she tried to recollect her memories of last night. She remembered waking up and crying. And hugging. It made her feel safer. Warm. Happy, even. Peridot turned her head, trying to get comfortable by was stopped when someone gripping onto her pillow, pulling it from under her head.

With a small grunt, Peridot's sat up and glared at the figure laying beside her. Tan limbs tumbled from her shoulders onto the bed and, as the blonde tried to stand up to draw the curtain, wrapped around her waist, pulling her into a hug.

"Lapis? Peridot's wasn't as surprised as she sounded.

In response, Lapis hummed, burying her face into Peridot's chest and gripping onto her tighter.


Again, nothing. Half frustrated half tired, Peridot gave up. Not waking up Lapis and potentially missing school wasn't the end of the world. Plus, she could snuggle with her best friend and crush. Yup, Peridot had long since figured out her feelings towards the blue haired girl and had just accepted it. They were friends and probably wouldn't be anything more but it was nice to think that maybe now, she had a chance.

Sighing happily, she huddled under the layers of blankets, wrapping her arms around Lapis' neck and taking in her scent. Her hair always smelt like chlorine, it made Peridot feel warm inside.

Lapis began to stir, turning around to face Peridot, her eyes half lidded, like she was still half asleep. She was to be honest.

"Hi" she mumbled, her voice a whisper.

Peridot opens her mouth to reply but before she could, Lapis bolts up, ocean blue eyes wide. Her mouth opens then closes, like she wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Mornin'" Peridot finally stood up, stretching and sliding the curtains to the side, sunlight filling the room, making it glow yellow.

Lapis didn't say anything, just stared as Peridot casually searched through her drawers for clothes to wear for the day. She picked out her usual green flannel and jeans and turned to Lapis before she walked into the bathroom.

"You brought clothes right?"

Lapis nodded, her eyes opening wider. If that was possible. She probably took that statement the wrong way. But she couldn't of forgotten last high that easily... She had said she wasn't tired. What a liar.

Peridot watched as she stood up and walked over to her bag before closing the bathroom door, locking it, and turning on the shower. She twisted to dial a bit, testing the water until it was deemed a reasonable temperature. Peridot stepped in, wetting her hair and cleaning.

When done, she grabbed a towel and dried herself as quickly as possible, hoping that Lapis hadn't left. She changed into her chosen clothes, tried once more to dry her damp hair, and failed, before walking out. It must've been a sight, to see Peridot, the school nerd, limp out of the bathroom on one leg, hair down, glasses off, prosthetic leg in left hand.

But, Lapis was still there, sitting on her bed, fully dressed and playing a game on her phone. She looked up at Peridot's arrival and stood up to help her back onto the bed. Then, just stared as Peridot began to adjust her leg, putting her weight on it to test it before hearing a click that made Lapis wince.

"Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" The bluenette had taken out a smaller bag from inside her backpack. The ones used for showers and such, you know the ones. Small, like a purse but with this plastic looking waterproof covering.

Peridot nodded "sure, go ahead".

Lapis jogged into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and turning on the tap to brush her teeth. Peridot waited, logging onto her computer and checking for any homework that needed doing. Nothing but an essay about something to do with medicine for History, due two weeks from today. Great.

She opened up a bookmarked tumblr page, grinning as she scrolled through the tag. The door opened behind her but she didn't react, instead admiring the watercolour art on said tag.

"Hey Peridot do you think we could make it to school on time if you drove us there?"

"I doubt it, the traffics normally awful, that's why I leave early" Peridot shrugged, still not looking up.

"What if they question you?"

By 'they', Lapis probably meant the school. But Peridot was just a speck to the school. She could not be in for a week and no one would question her.



Both females sat on Peridot's bed, an awkward silence filling the air. It stayed like that until Lapis finally spoke.

"So about last night.."

Peridot's gaze snapped onto Lapis. "What about it?"

"Um..are you okay?" Lapis seemed awkward, like she wanted to avoid the subject of last night but couldn't.

"Yeah" Peridot wasn't lying. By she also wasn't telling the truth.

Jasper terrified her, the dream flashback thing had made it worse though. She could feel herself start to shake and decided not to make eye contact with Lapis. She didn't need any help, she was fine.

"Come here"

Peridot shuffled closer to the taller girl, half expecting her to either hug her or just straight up stand up and leave.

She felt warm arms wrap around her neck and pull her closer into an even warmer body. This was nice.

"Wanna like, hang out or something?" Peridot muttered into lapis' hoodie "I mean, why go to school now when we have a free day?"

Lapis smirked, something she hadn't done in a while.

"Sure, where do you wanna go?"

"The beach?" Peridot didn't like the beach, she couldn't swim because of her leg and sand seemed to always get in her mouth and food. That's why she never ate on the beach. And those damn seagulls. But it was for Lapis. For Lapis.

"Sounds good! Can we stop off at my house for swimming stuff on the way?"

Peridot audibly gulped and nodded, her cheeks heating up a she realised what she'd gotten herself into?


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