Chapter 26

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Lapis thanked Peridot before stepping out of the car. She grabbed all her stuff, and waved as Peridot turned her car around and drove off in the other direction. By now it was late afternoon, early evening, the temperature had dropped quite dramatically and Lapis found herself shivering as she fumbled in her pocket for her keys.

Upon finding them, Lapis unlocked the door and stepped inside, grinning as the warmth from the house enveloped her cold form. It felt nice. She guessed her parents were back as the heating was turned on. Lapis wasn't allowed to touch the little dial that controlled the temperature of the house. When she was younger, she'd always fiddle with it and her parents would get mad. Once she accidentally knocked it and her parents never realised until their fish died from the heat. Oh boy had she gotten yelled at for that, grounded for a month, no meeting up with any friends, homework straight after school, no food until it was all done. Sure her parents were strict, but Lapis was used to it.

Lapis set the keys down on the living room table and peered into the kitchen. Her mother sat at the table, a hot cup of coffee in her hands, staring at her laptop screen. She looked like she was working, as usual. All she did was work. She used to be so cool but then Lapis grew up. Lapis guessed having a teenager wasn't as fun as a child. Actually, that was true, Steven, though 14 he still acted like a child so it counted, was awesome, funny and just really pleasant to be around whilst Peridot was, from what she had gathered over the few weeks they'd known each other, rude, grumpy, sarcastic but still lovable in her own dorky way. Peridot made up for her personality with her looks. Fluffy hair, green eyes, big glasses. She was adorable and terrifying at the same time.


The bluenette blinked, not realising she had zoned our for a couple of seconds. She had planned on just leaving her mother to work but now she was going to be forced into a conversation.

"Hey" Lapis gave her a grin that certainly didn't reach her eyes. She just wanted to leave and daydream about Peridot some more.
"How was school, sweetie" her mother turned back to her computer, tapping the keys and taking another sip of her coffee.

Lapis gulped, replacing her genuine grin with a guilty one.

"It was okay I guess" she replied with a shrug.

"Why were you out so late? Any clubs you haven't told me about?"

"What? Oh! No, I went to the beach with a friend" Lapis said quickly.

Lapis' mother sighed, running a hand down her face. She really didn't like her daughters friends. They were reckless and crazy and... Flirty. Of course, she had no problem with Lapis liking girls, just not them.

"Which one" she said with another sigh.


That was new.

"Who, dear?"

"Oh, Peridot. She's new but we get along fine. She's pretty cool I guess".

With a smile, Lapis' mother stood up so fast her chair nearly fell over. She waltzed over to Lapis, wrapping one arm around her.

"You have to introduce me! Invite her over!"

"Okay..." Lapis replied quietly, trying to wriggle out of her grip.

Once her mother had let go, Lapis ran from the room and up the stairs, not looking back as her mother called for her. Nope.

She set her phone on her bed and changed into her pyjamas, throwing her clothes into a washing basket. It was hot and, even though she swam today, she was still sweaty.

Taking her phone from its blanket nest, she dropped down onto her bed and opened up her messaging app, looking for the tiny green dorito icon.

Lapis: peridot? u alive?

Peridot: If you're going to be texting me at this hour, please use proper grammar, Lapis.

Lapis: wtf its like, 7pm

Peridot: I was asleep.

Lapis: oh

Lapis: ...

Lapis: peridot, wake up

Peridot: Can't you go annoy someone else, I'm tired.

Lapis: you just sat on the beach all day, 'dot

Peridot: First of all:exactly, secondly: don't call me that.

Lapis: ok whatever 'DOT I'll just cut 2 the chase ;)

Peridot: ...

Lapis: my mother wants you to come over soon

Peridot: No thanks.

Lapis: ???

Peridot: I'm like, the most socially awkward person you'll ever meet, just say I'm busy or something and leave me alone.

Lapis: I don't like your attitude missy!

Peridot: Go away.

Lapis: oh gosh you're even saltier than pearl

Lapis waited for the reply but it never came. Her only guess was that Peridot had fallen back asleep? Or was deliberately ignoring her texts. Either way no more talking to Peridot tonight.

As the bluenette lay on her bed, arms under her head, staring up at her ceiling where tiny glow in the dark stars were stuck, her stomach made a weird rumbling noise. Lapis looked down and placed a hand on her stomach. She sat up and checked around her room for any food she had forgotten to eat. Next she checked her bag. Inside was a packet at cool ranch doritos. Lapis grinned and opened the packet, digging into the triangular shaped crisps and savouring every one of them.

"Heh, Peridot's hair kind looks like a dorito" Lapis held one up and closed one of her eyes to focus on it. Yeah, if you styled it upwards a bit it would look like a massive cool ranch dorito.

Lapis didn't know what to do with this new information but maybe it would come in useful for the future? She highly doubted it but giggled as she placed the dorito in her mouth and bit down.

Once finished with her food, she was slightly more satisfied. She searched the bag again and upon finding no more food, she decided to raid the fridge when her parents went to bed. Maybe she would save some food for a picnic with Peridot of something. She wanted to get to know the blonde better. Not just her favourite colour, but her family, past and interests other than anime, robots and doritos. Or whatever she said.

Or she could just eat it all herself.


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