Chapter 16

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Lapis grinned as she saw Peridot's face drop at the sound of the game. The others didn't look too pleased either, playing a kind of private game in public probably wasn't the best idea. Well, the game sure was private if you made the mistake of playing with Amethyst. There was sure to be secrets told, promises broken and lots of making out. But Lapis was used to it by now, she'd known Amethyst long enough to know where this was going. Someone was going to get hurt and it was probably going to be the new kid.

Amethyst grinned her evil grin, opening up a bag of doritos and placing three into her mouth. Everyone waited for her to say something, as it was a rule that she always went first. Her dark eyes scanned to small group, stopping on Lapis. She stopped chewing her food, swallowed then washed it down with a sip of fizzy drink before opening her mouth to speak.

"Lapis" Amethyst said slowly, watching as the blue haired girl audibly gulped. "Truth or dare?"

Lapis was not ready for this at all. Saying truth was sure to land her in an awkward situation and saying dare was possibly even worse. She glanced around and stopped on Peridot. Blinking, she took a deep breath. "Truth" it came out a lot quieter than she had expected but Amethyst seemed to hear it just fine.

"Why and how did you manage to befriend Peridot? Like, you've known of her existence for years but didn't say anything until now" Amethyst gaze went from a grumpy looking Peridot then back to Lapis, her eyebrow raised and cheeky smirk on her face.

Lapis shrugged, feeling her cheeks heat up slightly. Did she really have a reason other than her ever growing curiosity? Next to her, peridot nudged her, willing the bluenette to go on.

"Well" Lapis tried to stall for time. This was awkward and if she said too much, Amethyst was sure to spread rumours. "I dunno I just saw her always sitting in class looking bored and kinda sad so one day I decided to talk to her" she shrugged once again, a small grin pulling her lips upwards "and look at us now". With one arm wrapped around the blondes shoulders, Lapis pulled Peridot closer to her "friendship at its finest".

Peridot made a little noise that was halfway between a whine and a snort as she pushed away from Lapis' hold and settled back down in her spot, pulling her knees up to her chest. Amethyst was snickering at the fact that both of their faces had a slight red hue to them but other than that, the group was quiet. Just watching. It was unsettling.

Amethyst cleared her throat, making Peridot lift up her head from her knees and gained the others attention. Everyone's gaze was on Lapis. It was her turn now. Who would she pick? She had an idea.

"Amethyst" Lapis said slowly, a smirk growing on her face "truth or dare?"

A challenging grin was on the tan girls face as she brushed her thick brown bangs out of her eyes. "Dare".

"I dare you to tell Pearl how you feel" Lapis watched as Amethysts once confident look faltered.

"No fair-"

"You have to answer, its in the rules" Lapis cut her off.

Amethyst opened her mouth to say something but stopped herself. Beside her, Pearl was looking as curious as ever, her pale cheeks now a rosy colour. Oh, this was going to be good.

"Pearl" the shorter girl shifted herself so she sat facing this other. She looked out of her element; nervous and sweaty and just not like the Amethyst everyone knew and loved at all. This was a new side of her. "I...I really like you".

A warm smile painted the pale girls face at her words "I know, I like you too".

"No" Amethyst honestly looked heartbroken. But Pearl was not that dense. "I mean I like like you".

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