Chapter 42

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Lapis lowered herself onto the blanket, stretching out her legs in front of her and leaning her head back to look up at the sky. She grinned and laughed happily, taking in the warm summer heat. This was it. She was finally free from all the stress of school. Peridot sat beside her, looking as if a massive weight had been lifted from her shoulders. In a way, it had. Those end of year exams had killed them, Lapis had only just passed the majority of them, securing her a place in sixth form or possibly a decent college. She had Peridot to thank for that. The small blonde had forced her to study all the subjects that she had been struggling with.

Steven threw a frisby into the air. The plastic disk caught in the slight breeze and drifted towards Amethyst, who caught it expertly.

It had been around half a year since Lapis and Peridot had gotten together and honestly, they couldn't be more happier. Peridot had started coming out of her shell, agreeing to come with Lapis to meet new people and start conversations with them with little to no trouble. The play they had been working on was a great success and Lapis had recently auditioned for a Broadway show which she was really excited about. Peridot had helped her practice. She was sure shed get a part.

And now that she had graduated and the holidays had started, there was more time to hang with her friends. Except for steven, he still a month of school left.

Lapis intertwined her hand with Peridot's and gave it a little squeeze. Peridot squeezed back, using her limited strength to pull Lapis closer and plant a kiss on her cheeks. Lapis turned her head to kiss her back on the lips. Peridot deepened the kiss.

The frisby hit Peridot square in the face, making her fall backwards in shock. Her hand flew out from its place in Lapis' hair in an attempt to steady herself. Behind them, Amethyst whooped and high-fived Steven.



Pearl scolded them, thin arms crossed over her chest. She was sitting on a separate blanket with Connie. Books were scattered all over the colourful material and Connie herself was reading a graphic novel.

Lapis rolled her eyes laughing. Peridot muttered a colourful string of curse words, rubbing her cheek where the plastic had hit skin.  The blue haired girl kissed her then stood up to go play with Steven and Amethyst. And to make sure they didn't try to attack them again.

- - -

Later on, Ruby and Sapphire joined them, bringing two full bags of food and sharing it out amongst the small group. Lapis was nibbling on a croissant, watching the sun set with Peridot. Pearl was sitting next to Amethyst, who was talking animatedly about something she couldn't quite hear. Steven was stuffing his face with a bag of chips he was sharing with Connie and Ruby and Sapphire were making out. Subtle.

Lapis felt a warm body press against her own and looked down only to see a mop of messy blonde hair and heard the faint crunching of crisps, which Lapis could small was cheese and onion. Man, her girlfriend was kinda gross but she was also cute and warm so she couldn't really to complain. The taller girl wrapped her arms around the smallers shoulders, nuzzling the top of her head.

This was perfect.

A couple of months prior to their graduation, Lapis had ended up moving in with Peridot. The two shared a room, which left a spare room that Lapis used as an art studio. If you ever walked in, the first thing you'd see was a massive oil painting of the beach, two figures that were Lapis and Peridot sitting in the sand hand in hand, watching as the waves rolled onto the shore.

The beach was such a special place for the both of them. For Lapis, it was like her second home. She went there whenever she was feeling sad and dived into the ocean for a swim to clear her head. For Peridot, it was where she had told Lapis her life story, which had been, for lack of a better word, hard. But now she knew, it felt like she could be totally honest with Lapis. It made her feel a lot better about herself. About her leg. Her sexuality.

As the sky grew darker, Pearl lit up a couple of lanterns and set them up around the blankets. Ruby had brought sparklers for some reason, and started to light them up and pass them around. Sapphire had brought homemade cupcakes. All in all, it was a nice, peaceful evening and a great start to the holidays.

- - -

A week later, Lapis found herself sitting on the soft sand that she knew all too well. It felt comfortable just sitting there, watching the people swimming and splashing around in the sea. It brought a smile onto her face. Everyone looked so happy.

A small hand found its way onto hers and she looked up. She was met with familiar green eyes that started lovingly back. Lapis grinned and kissed the smug look right off of Peridot's face.

"I love you, Peridot"

"I love you too, Lapis"

Okay. Okay. So I guess this is the end. Its been fun guys and I'm really happy you guys liked my fic :) honestly, I did have more ideas about how this was gonna go when I first started the book but as it progressed the ideas like, vanished? Idk I can't think of anything else to write so I ended it on a happy note (they finally graduated from school :D I have like, another 2 years lmao

Not sure what my next fic will be

I might add some bonus chapters one day

Thanks for reading

~ Marcythewolf


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