Chapter 30

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Lapis fiddled with her locker, twisting the dials absentmindedly. She looked into the crowds of students making their way to their lessons, some chatting, others walking alone. Sighing, she finally opened her locker and took out everything she needed: her notes for English, a folder and her maths homework for period four. It was currently period two, she had just arrived from her media lesson, which had been an entire hour of Sapphire questioning her about Peridot.

It had been a couple of week since Lapis and Peridot's And it was now well into winter. Snow had blanketed the school grounds and hadn't shown any signs of stopping. If they were lucky, they would get tomorrow off, which meant another possible date with her crush.

Lapis spun around, ready to head off to her next lesson which just happened to be with Peridot. She grinned at the thought of the small blonde sitting next to her, talking about all her nerdy obsessions. And Lapis would zone in on every word, nodding when she complained about something and agreeing with any statement, even if she disagreed herself. She could tell it made Peridot feel better about herself when she did it and it broke Lapis' heart when she was upset.

The blue haired girl stop at the foot of the stairs leading to her art classroom. She began to ascend them, taking two steps at a time as she had long legs and did the action with little to no trouble. When Peridot climbed the stairs, it was a different story, she took one at a time, practically running up them and wheezing a little when she got to the top. It was adorable to say the least.

And there she was: blonde hair pulled into a messy bun to keep it out of her eyes, her green eyes as bright as ever though her face stayed in its usual neutral expression. She always managed to look irritated and if it wasn't for her eyes, Lapis would've thought she was actually a robot. But after seeing her break down, twice, she had gotten to know the blonde better. She had a better understanding of her and the way she worked. And, surprisingly, she could relate to her.

Lapis stepped up to her and poked her shoulder. Peridot didn't need to turn her head to know who it was. She shut her book and placed it in her bag before facing the taller girl.

"Lapis" she greeted in her raspy tone. Her eyes seemed to shine brighter when Lapis was around and her lips were pulled up into a goofy smile the showed off her little dimples. Oh stars she was cute.

"Hey perisnot" Lapis hesitated after realising her mistake. Peridot really hated nicknames but today it seemed to go over her head and she just smiled wider, her cheeks going red.

Nothing else was said until the group of jittering students piled into the classroom, taking their seats and looking hopefully towards the front of the room where their teacher stood, setting up the interactive whiteboard as her class settled. Lapis placed her bag down, seating herself on a desk at the back of the large classroom, art classrooms were always bigger than normal ones, and Peridot did the same, lining up her artists pencils and waiting for her sketchbook to be handed to her.

Two of the art students had already taken the task of handing out the books to their assigned owners. With a glance at the sticker on the front, one of them, a rather tall boy with bright red hair lapis wasn't sure was natural of not, headed over to Lapis' seat, sliding her book across the table with a flirty wink.

Lapis scoffed at him, opening her book and glancing over to Peridot, who was staring at the boy as if she was about to jump out of her seat and attack him. A sly smile played at the tanned girls lips.

"You jelly?" She asked the blonde, flinging an arm around her small shoulders.

Peridot visibly tensed. "No!" She said a little too fast. She seemed to trip over the single word and she ran a hand down her face, angry at herself for messing up.

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