Chapter 37

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Peridot honestly couldn't wait for the weekend to roll around. It was around mid afternoon on a Friday, the hot summer sun had been replaced by grey clouds and a cold breeze that chilled the blonde haired girl to the bone. It had been decided that Lapis and herself would meet up just before lunch and hang out at the beach. Just them. No distractions. It was their first proper date and just thinking about it made Peridot grin to herself as she sat in her last period lesson, quietly jotting down notes as the teacher droned on and on.

A glance at the clock told her she had half an hour left and had to hold in the urge groan and bang her head against the wooden desk she sat at. Her heart was thumping excitedly in her chest as she counted down the minutes, half listening the the teacher, in case they called on her, and half looking at the clock. Her hand was poised over her pens, ready to shove them into her bag and meet up with Lapis before Jasper got to her again. Lapis hadn't really been the same since Jasper stopped to 'talk' to her. She was more quiet, kept to herself and didn't make as many horrible puns as she used to.

Peridot could only hope to crack the puzzle when they were on their date. Lapis tended to bottle up her feeling and not tell anyone until it was too late. The blonde had witnessed her break down before her very eyes and it hurt to see her in so much pain. But Lapis should be happy. Today the pair had to stay after school for extra rehearsals, as the day of the performance drew closer and closer.

The bell rang, echoing around the classroom and making everyone in the classroom stand up in almost perfect unison. It was finally the weekend. And that meant lazing around and binging shows on Netflix for two whole days!! What's not to love? Peridot's heart thumped happily against her ribcage as she slung her bag over her shoulder and sauntered out of the room, a wide grin on her freckled face. She spun around the corner and left the main building, heading towards the auditorium where the rehearsals were usually held.

A familiar head of blue hair came into Peridot's view and her grin, if even possible, grew as she approached the taller. Lapis spun around at the noise of footsteps tapping on the floor and smiled warmly at her lover, leaning down to peck her on the lips before the both entered the auditorium together, hands intertwined.

No one turned around at their arrival, all used to them arriving late and together. The head of the drama department, who was arranging props on the stage, spun around and clapped her hands together, startling everyone and making them turn towards the noise.

The crowd of people slowly stood up from their seats, stretching dramatically as if they'd just woken up. Lapis, who had been skimming over her lines, dropped her script by Peridot's feet and walked off the change into her costume. Peridot shoved her hands in her hoodie and went off the find the rest of the technicians backstage.

Rehearsals went very well. Everyone had pretty much nailed their lines, though there were a few mess ups here and there that could be easily fixed with a little more practice. By now it was around 5pm and the drama students were descending out of the school gates and beginning the long journey home. Peridot had promised to drive Lapis home, being the brilliant girlfriend she was.

As the two got into the car, Lapis turned towards Peridot, looking a little smug as she cupped the pale girls face in her hands. She brought their faces together and their lips locked. Peridot stopped trying to insert the key into its place to start her car and dropped it on the dashboard, instead bringing her hands up to grip into Lapis' thick blue hair. The kiss itself was passionate and loving and when they pulled away, panting, their faces were bright red. Lapis beamed at her, and her smile made peridot's heard jump and butterflies fluttered around her stomach. She was hopelessly in love with this cute, blue haired swimmer. She was to lucky to have someone as great as Lapis to love.

After another hot make-out session, Peridot grabbed her keys and started up her car and slowly pulled out of the carpark. Lapis, who was stilled curled up next to Peridot, as much as her seatbelt would allow anyway, turned on the radio and started to switch between stations until a song she liked came on. After that, she started singing along loudly and surprisingly in tune. Peridot rolled her eyes and stepped a little harder on the gas pedal, making  Lapis lurch forward and stop mid song.

Peridot stopped the car outside Lapis' house and looked at the taller expectantly, waiting for her to get out. Lapis hesitated, kissing Peridot again, to which she happily obliged, then slowly undid her seatbelt. Her hand rest of the door handle as she looked intensely into Peridot's eyes. Pulling the door open, she stepped out.

"I love you" she whispered, her blue eyes glowing in the sun. Her hair blew in the faint breeze, her bangs covering her eyes until she gently brushed them aside.

"I love you too, Lapis" Peridot said back confidently. Her cheeks were bright red and her heart was beating in her ears. The only thing she could to was repeat the phrase quietly as Lapis shut the door and disappeared into her house.

"I love you Lapis".

Finally found the motivation to write another chapter!! I'm honestly running out of things to write in this book so I guess I'll be ending it earlier than I originally planned. But I am working on a new book that I'm probably going to move onto wattpad asap. Its voltron but you don't really need to watch the show to understand it bc I've twisted it around a bit??? But there is spoilers so idk. One thing I can tell you is that the individual chapters are going to be roughly 4k words long :')

Anyways, hope you like this chapter, more coming soon!


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