Chapter 8

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Lapis smirked as she saw Peridot turning red. It was surprisingly fun to fluster her. She got flustered so easily, Lapis wasn't sure if the smaller girl had feelings for her, if it was just her presence or the way she teased her. Because, even though Lapis wasn't sure if she even liked girls or not, Peridot was very good looking. Yes, she was very pale but the freckles scattered around her face, lapis found cute. And her short blonde hair and her unnaturally green eyes and her smirk...Lapis felt weird.

"Earth to Lapis..." Peridot raised an eyebrow as Lapis blinked back into reality. After realising she had been staring at the blonde for who knows how long, her cheeks flushed red.

"S-sorry" Lapis not to let her strange feelings bother her. She had invited Peridot into her house to get to know her better, and that was what she was going to do.

Grabbing Peridot's small hand, Lapis led her through the small corridor leading from the kitchen and turned a sharp left. Ahead of them was a staircase; small carpeted steps leading up to the second floor of the house. The carpet was a strange looking beige with a couple of odd coloured stains scattered here and there.

"That was my cat" Lapis explained, noticing Peridot staring at a particularly large stain at the bottom of the staircase.

Peridot blinked and looked up at Lapis "you have a cat?" She asked, a little surprised.

Lapis grinned and nodded. Hands still intertwined, the bluenette pulled her up the stairs and into her room. Peridot let out a quiet gasp, looking around the medium sized bedroom in awe. It had blue walls, the ocean painted around the bottom. Her carpet was a faded yellow, looking like sand in contrast with her wall. The bed was tucked away in a corner, dark blue covers draped over it. On the other side, there was a desk filled with old sketchbooks and Lapis' laptop. Scattered around were various sized canvases, some with paint on them, some without. In conclusion, it was a lot tidier than Peridot's. And a lot prettier.

"So you're an artist?" Peridot asked, walking over to an especially colourful canvas to observe it. It was very impressive, the detail of the ocean contrasting with the sea. It looked like watercolour, the way the sea was made of blended blues and greens.

"Yup" Lapis flopped down onto her bed, a goofy grin on her face. The bed made a weird noise and Peridot spun around with a raised eyebrow.

"Is that a waterbed?" Peridot didn't even need to ask. It was obvious but the way it moved with Lapis on it. Like a blowup mattress but bigger and...watery?

Peridot went back to gazing around Lapis' room. From the corner, she heard her gasp happily and reached over her bed to grab something. A small meow made Peridot turn once again.

A large tabby cat was sitting on Lapis, its green-blue eyes glaring daggers at Peridot. It was the angriest cat she had ever seen. Though she would never admit it, Peridot was a little intimidated but the cats size. Lapis didn't seem to see her counterparts distress and held up the cat.

"This is malachite" she set the cat down and patted its head. "But like to call her malacat" she chuckled at her own joke.

"You're kidding" peridot sighed almost angrily when Lapis shook her head.

"Nope! I just thought since most of my friends and I are named after gems.." She trailed off with a small shrug and a smile. "Jasper helped me name her".

The sound of that name made Peridot noticeably wince. Were Lapis and Jasper friends?? If they were, this would be a problem. Lapis frowned and set down her cat, standing up to pull Peridot onto her bed. Peridot landed on top of her and blushed. She slid off and bounced slightly as she fell on the bed. She sighed.

"Sorry" Lapis mumbled softly "sometimes I forget how horrible she is now and think about the old times"

Peridot nodded, understanding "yeah, I know". Tears started gathering in her eyes but she blinked them away. "She tries her best to shove me in a locker everyday" she let out a shaky breath "or beat me up. Or taunt me" Peridot stopped talking as soon as her voice cracked.

She felt two arms wrap around her and a head rest on her shoulder. She was being hugged. By lapis. Peridot blushed.

"So" Lapis said, adjusting her position so she was closer to the blonde. "Sorry if this is a bad time're leg?" She tapped it. There was no hiding it now.

"Uh" Peridot gingerly took off her shoes and rolled up her jeans. She heard Lapis gasp and when she looked up, the bluenette was grinning, blue eyes shining. "It's a Prosthetic".

Her leg was cut off by the knee, and in its place, complicated looking prosthetic.

"What happened" Lapis blurted, running a hand down her leg. She knew this would be a touchy subject but her curiosity got the better of her.

She saw Peridot tense from the corner of her eye and knew she had hit a nerve. "Sorry but no" was all that was said from the blonde.

"Anyways" Lapis retracted her arm and let Peridot roll down her jeans and slip on her shoes before continuing "wanna play Mario kart of something?"

Peridots glazed eyes lit up and a small, dorky smile appeared on her freckled face. "I thought you'd never ask" she chuckled.

Of course Peridot had spotted the game consoles by her desk. Lapis picked out Mario kart, slipping it into her Wii and grabbing two controllers and a steering wheel. Peridot chose not to use one, bragging about how good she was whilst the game loaded.

This was the fist time Peridot had opened up to anyone in a long time and to be honest, it felt great.


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