Chapter 18

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Lapis grinned as she saw Peridot's face turn even redder. She wasn't sure whether it was from embarrassment or anger but either way it was super cute. The way she pointed slightly, her eyes narrowed into thin slits.

"You're so cute" Lapis was trying not to have a fangirl moment but it was very hard when an adorably angry cinnamon roll was standing in front of you.

"M'not cute" Peridot, who had sat back down on her bed and pulled her hood up to cover her face, grumbled, crossing her arms and slouching forward.

Lapis chuckled to herself, watching Peridot curl up even smaller, her spiky blonde hair peeking from her hood.

"So" the bluenette clapped her hands together, making the smaller jump from inside her green cocoon. "Where are the robots?"

By now Lapis had set the 'robonoid' back on her desk and was looking around for any sign of robot stuff. So far...nothing. Was peridot lying?

Peridot unraveled herself and sat up, trying to flatten down her hair the best she could, causing Lapis to snort once again. Standing up, she made her way over to her desk, crouching down to open a small drawer located at the side Lapis hadn't even noticed. She pulled out a couple of sheets of paper and a box. Opening the box, she set the lid down and ran her thumb over the round robot.

It was exactly like plush except less.... Plush. It was a green-grey colour with the legs being separate from the body. Peridot carefully picked it up and set it on the floor. Pressing couple of buttons located at the bottom, it sprung to life. It lifted itself up into the air, its legs then floating underneath. The blonde tested the controls on a separate remote, moving the robonoid back and forth and finally to Lapis.

"That's amazing!" She sat herself next to Peridot an giggled as it tried to climb up her leg.

"Thanks" came the happy reply from Peridot. "I've never actually shown anyone this before..".

Lapis grabbed the blondes face and pulled her forward, making her blush.

"What?" Lapis was confused. This was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen. Why didn't Peridot want to share this with the world? "Why"

"Because I've never really had any friends" the blonde hesitated, moving her face so Lapis wasn't holding it before continuing "and everyone would just call me a nerd or whatever, its not like anyone actually cares".

Lapis' eyes widened and her smile dropped into a surprised frown. "I care" she whispered.

Peridot sighed "honestly, I thought all this was because you pitied me" she gestured towards the bluenette "because you're so popular and wouldn't be seen dead with a nerd like me".

"Peridot, its not like that".

"You sound exactly like Jasper" Peridot mumbled, suddenly feeling a lot worse about the choices she had made.

"What?" Lapis was surprised. She knew Peridot and Jasper used to be...friends? But what actually happened?

"Y'know what?" Peridot dropped the robot back into its box before abruptly standing up "c-can you leave now?"

Sensing Peridot's emotional distress, Lapis followed her lead and stood up, slightly unsure on what to do. Does she leave? Or stay and calm Peridot down? Why does she look angry?

"I said leave!" The blondes voice shook as she yelled.

Lapis nodded and left the house without another word, wincing when Peridot slammed the door a little too loudly. Sighing, she went back to her house. Of course, no one was home, that, she was thankful for.

Now she had time to think. She wasn't entirely sure what had just happened but Peridot was definitely not okay. What had Jasper done? She was her bully what was it like when they were friends? So many questions but zero answers. She was too scared to text Peridot... What if she deleted her number? What if they weren't friends anymore? That made Lapis' heart ache.

Moving into a laying position on her bed, she decided to sleep over it and see what would happen in the morning. She had walked painfully slow back to her house so it was getting pretty late. Lapis closed her eyes.

- - -

A familiar tune woke Lapis up. Her eyes shot open and she groaned as she realised she hadn't set her phone on silent. With a click of a button, her phone came back to life. Squinting at the sudden light, Lapis checked the time. Its was around 3am, which was possibly the worst time to wake her up. She was tired and grumpy and her eyes hurt from how bright her screen was. That was when she noticed she had gotten a text. Her heart sped up as she opened up her messaging app, only to find it was not who was hoping it would be.

Amethyst: Heeey L

Amethyst: Why aren't you picking up? You making out with Peri or something?

Amethyst: WAKE UP

Lapis: what?

Lapis groaned once again, setting her phone down and burying her face in her pillow to rest her tired eyes before her phone rang again.

Amethyst: nothing I'm just really bored :)

Lapis: go. To. Sleep.

Amethyst: nooo I wanna know what happened when we left ;)

Lapis: everyone just left and I went round peridot's house to look at robots

Amethyst: "robots" ;))

Lapis: shut up

Lapis: then she had like, this mental breakdown??? And I left

Amethyst: is she okay???

Lapis: I think so? Idk if we're friends anymore :/

Amethyst: talk to her

Lapis: no thanks

Amethyst: you scared?

Lapis: maybe

Amethyst: She's like, half your size

Lapis: whatever, I'll speak to her tomorrow if it makes you feel better

Amethyst: Okay

Amethyst: and I'll go to sleep if it makes YOU feel better

Lapis: thank you

Lapis set her phone back on her bedside table, making sure to turn it onto silent before settling back down on her bed. A buzz. Angry, Lapis shot up and grabbed her phone. It was another text. But not from Amethyst. It was from Peridot...

Peridot: I'm sorry.

Peridot: I'm just scared that you'll leave me like Jasper did...

Lapis: I wont

Peridot: promise?

Lapis: I promise <3

Get ready for more angst, drama and possibly a couple of flashback chapters of peridot's/lapis' past because ohhh boy this is gonna be fun to write (and to think I almost abandoned this book) :')


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