Chapter 27

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Peridot sighed loudly as she descended from her car and across the car park. It was the day after the beach 'date', though she wasn't sure she could call it a date or not. They hadn't really talked, only light conversation when eating before Lapis dove into the ocean again. Maybe if they went on a proper date they'd become closer. And becoming closer as friends means becoming closer to being lovers? If that made sense. Yeah, no. Peridot shook her head and tried to change the subject. School. Yeah, school was going well, rehearsals for the play were going much better than anyone had ever thought it would. By now they had set up everything in the small room at the back of the hall for the tech students to work on sound and lights.

Entering the main building of the school, Peridot finally glanced down at the timetable in her hands. Geography. Great, one of the few lessons she didn't have with Lapis. To be honest, she only chose Geography because of all the trips they would be taking abroad. Last time she had convinced the staff supervising the trip to let her have her own room, whilst the others had to sleep in small groups. It was pretty great, she even managed to learn a new language. Or tried. Tried is a better word.

Before the blonde knew it she was already on the second floor of the school and was heading down the short corridor towards her classroom. She stepped inside, glad to see only a few people had arrived and were sat it their designated seats.

The seating arrangement for the geography room was a very strange one. Instead of the usual two person desks other classrooms had, this one had a line of tables on both sides of the classroom, fitting up to six people at one time. In the middle on the room was a large set of tables, both rows were put together to make a massive rectangle, fitting around twelve people respectively. And, last but not least was where Peridot sat. At the back was yet another row of tables, once again fitting six chairs underneath. No one really sat on this row. Only Peridot and Ruby sat there, which made it easy to talk as they were furthest away from the teacher. Not they they actually talked. Ruby still hadn't warmed up to the small blonde just yet. She'd always glare at her with her dark eyes, as if she knew something Peridot didn't. It was really freaky to say the least.

With a grunt, the dark eyed girl sat next to Peridot, shuffling her chair forwards and resting both her chubby arms on the desk. She looked tired and more irritated than usual. Peridot decided the best option was to ignore her as normal.

- - -

Fifth period was always the hardest. Unless it was a good lesson, like tech, then it usually went very very slowly. Peridot groaned quietly and ran a hand down her face. Glancing up at the clock she noticed it hadn't moved much from the last time she had looked. Great, just great. Lapis sighed beside her and it took all of Peridot's strength not to turn around to stare at her. They were silently working from textbooks, they had a cover teacher as theirs had called in sick, and were ordered not to talk.

This annoyed the blonde. She hadn't really had the opportunity to talk to Lapis all day: at break she was busy with work and at lunch she had vanished. Peridot couldn't find her or her group anywhere and just gave up to go study. And even after school Lapis had a detention for something Peridot couldn't quite remember, possibly back talking a teacher or swearing in p.e?

Because of this, Peridot had agreed to take over Lapis' job of babysitting steven whilst his dad was away because of business. Or something like that.

The bell rang and the class finally started to shuffled around, grabbing their bags and closing their textbooks.

The cover teacher quickly stopped them, holding out a hand for them to stop and raising her voice as she spoke "the bell doesn't excuse you, I do!"

Peridot rolled her eyes but sat back down, her bag settled on the table in her arms.

Once the teacher finally let them go, Lapis rushed out, not even glancing at the blonde as she exited the room. Peridot felt her heart shatter. With a sigh, Peridot made her way back to the car park where Steven was already waiting with his friend, Connie. Upon seeing Peridot, Steven ushered her over with a grin.

"Hi Peridot!"

"Hey" Peridot unlocked the car and opened the door for the two younger kids to slip into the back. The blonde took her seat at the front and started the engine, glancing back to make sure she didn't run over any of the students.

"Your car smells of citrus" Steven mused once they were out on the open road.

The blonde chuckled to herself "Okay Steven, can you give me some directions?"

Steven obliged and leant forward, resting his small hands on peridot's seat.

"Go left!"

Peridot went left.

"OK, now go right, then left at the end of this road and boom!" Steven threw back his arms and leant back into his own seat. "We're here".

"Is Connie staying?"

"If that's ok with you"

Peridot nodded, unclipping her seatbelt and locking up her car once everyone was out. It was steven who unlocked the door and went in first, followed by the two girls.

Stevens house was a lot different than she had expected. It was mostly wooden, like a large shack or something with stone walls at the back and multiple doors. To her left there were stairs leading to the second floor which was literally just one room. She guessed it was Steven's room as both children had already ascended up the wooden stairs. Sighing once again, Peridot slumped down onto the sofa and rubbed her eyes.

Steven peaked over the stairs "you coming up?"

A boring filler chapter that's still kinda important I guess :O
Fun fact: my geography room is exactly like the one in this book. Me and my friend are the only ones who sit at the back (except for this one guy who always skips half of the class and comes in late)
Thanks for reading! It will get more interesting soon :')


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