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"Come on, Ri." Kai taunted with a smirk on his lips. I sent him a scowl and he chuckled. "Awww, are you scared. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." I shrugged and made my way towards him. I clenched my fist, throwing a punch but he ducked to the left and dodged it.

I rolled my eyes and huffed, sending him a glare. Kai laughed and held his hands back up. "Try again, Ri."

"This is so pointless, Malachai." I complained, throwing another punch but he caught my wrist and stopped my movements. I looked at him. "Why are we even doing this?"

"You know why Ri." He reminded me and I sighed.

Kai wanted to teach me how to fight because according to him, I had no skill whatsoever. We went to the high school because Damon refused to have us practice inside the Lockwood mansion. Stefan agreed to watch Grayson and in exchanged we'd be back before dusk to help him figure out a way to get Caroline again.

"You're a vampire with witch powers. You should be able to do this." Kai shook his head. "This is what I meant when I said you have no skill."

I narrowed my eyes and threw another punch with my left fist. In the seconds that Kai went on block my left wrist, I managed to make a hit against his toned stomach with my right fist. I smirked in victory and Kai rolled his eyes.

"You were saying, Malachai?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Lucky shot, Ri." I took a step back and laughed. "But you need to also learn how to escape tough situations." In a matter of seconds, before I could even blink, Kai was behind me with his arm wrapped around my neck.

"That's not fair."

Kai chuckled. "Ri, you remember the whole incident at the wedding between Damon and you." I nodded and tugged at his arm. "His hand was holding your heart." His moved his other hand onto my chest where my heart was. "Now, what are you going to do, Ri?" He said in my ear. I struggled in his hold but continued to fail.

I raised a brow. "Magic?"

"At times, but you're a bad witch."

"Well, you're a bad teacher." I muttered but he heard and scoffed. I kept struggling in his hold and pondered on many escape routines.

Think Riley.

"Come on, Ri. I could've killed you many times already." His hand pressed down hard on my chest. I gulped when nothing went through my mind but worry.

I shrugged and admitted. "I don't know, Malachai."

Kai rolled his eyes, he did what I least expected. He kissed me softly on the lips, I kissed back but gasped when I felt his hand pierce into my chest. He ended the kiss moments later and I looked down at his hand in my chest.

"A warning, would've been nice." I hissed. I winced from the pain of his hand wrapped around my heart.

"Where's the fun in that." Kai mumbled into my neck, I rolled my eyes. He lifted up his head. "Now, try and escape, before I rip out your heart."

"Rip out my heart!"

"Tick, tock, Ri." Kai cooed. "I'll give thirty seconds."

"Thirty seconds, that's hardly fai-"

"One...two..three...." Kai began to count, I bit my lip and let my brain begin to plot an idea.

Seconds went by and my mind remained blank. "But I don't know what to do."

"Then think, Ri." Kai replied, his head rested on mine while he counted further.

A thought emerged in my head and I dropped my hands from his arm that was still around my neck. I elbowed Kai's ribs hard, causing his grip to loosen for a split second. I took that opportunity to break his arm. He swore in pain, letting of me and removed his hand from my heart to hold his broken arm. I let out a deep breath, feeling my wound heal up and placed my hands over my chest. I turned back around to Kai and smiled.

In Love With Him: Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now