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"Ri, Ri....." A soft voice whispered, shaking me by the shoulders slightly. I groaned, feeling a hand on my chin to lift m head up. Another hand caressed my cheek, a familiar touch, against my skin and scent in my nose.

My eyes flicked open and a familiar face emerged in my vision, knelt down in front of me. I let out a shaky laugh, feeling water fill my eyes as I looked at Kai. A smile formed on my lips and I said. "Kai."

Kai smiled back at me. He held my face in his hands, leaving a long kiss on my forehead. "What has he done to you, Ri?" He wondered, when he tore the ropes off my body, despite it burning his own skin.

"He got a little touchy when I spoke about Lily." I explained, rubbing my red raw wrists while they slowly healed.

Kai helped me to my feet and kept his arm around me for balance. "I can walk-" I stopped mid sentence because the moment I went to stand, my legs gave out.

Kai caught me but didn't say anything. I rose a brow but felt too weak to question him. He opened the door and checked around before leading me into the hallway.

I also glanced around before I looked at him. "Where are the heretics?"

"All of them are at the Lockwood's house."

"But Kai." He sent me a look, eyebrows raised. "What about Grayson?"

"He's safe, Jo and Alaric took him up to Whitmore with Bonnie." He assured me. I nodded, feeling the sudden worry fade away.

"Why is everyone at the Lockwood's?" I wondered. "Surely someone would have stayed-"

I trailed off and gasped when I saw Mary Louise walk from the kitchen to the living room. She didn't seem fazed by our presence as if she couldn't see us.

"We're cloaked, Riley."

"Riley." I uttered under my breath while Kai dragged me out of the house and onto the porch.

It was dark outside thankfully because my ring was still gone. Kai took ahold of my bicep, leading me down the stairs and onto the street.

I let out a whine. "Kai, not so tight." I hissed, struggling to keep up with him. "What's wrong with you?"

"Riley, we need to leave now." Was all he said. My eyes widened as his tone was ice cold.

"It's almost as if you're not yourself-" I paused and stopped in my tracks. Kai jolted and sent me a look.


"No!" I yelled, Kai pulled a confused face. I yanked my arm back, stumbling slightly. "This isn't real."

Kai rose a brow. "What are you talking about Riley?"

"You're not real!" I cried, a lump forming in my throat because I so desperately wished it was. "You're not my Kai!"

He stared at me. "Riley-"

I cut him off, sticking my hand into his chest. He gasped, looking down at my hand as I pulled out his heart. I shook my head, a few tears leaving my eyes. Kai put his hand over his chest, gasping as the life faded from his eyes.

His skin grew pale and I let out a small sob, when his legs gave out and he fell by my feet. I dropped his heart by his head and I inhaled sharply.

"Nice try."


I jumped awake, hearing a faint clap. Julian stood beside me, his hands still pressed together. He sent me a smile while I only glared in return.

"Nice try." I spat.

"Well it was worth a shot." He walked over to Damon's drinking cabinet, taking out a bottle of bourbon and a glass. Julian looked back at me. "Wasn't it?" He shrugged, pouring himself a glass of whatever.

In Love With Him: Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now