On The Run With Him: Kai Parker

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"Where exactly are we going?" I asked, glancing over to Kai. He was staring ahead with his hand still on his chest. I looked back at the dark streets ahead of me and nervously chewed on my lower lip.

A hand went on my shoulder and I looked at Stefan through the review mirror. "Riley, slow down."

"What?" I blinked into reality and realised the speed I was going was dangerously fast.

"Are you sure, she should be driving?" I heard Stefan ask Kai in a low voice.

I huffed. "I'm fine, Stefan."

"You should let one of us drive." Kai said, agreeing with Stefan. I narrowed my eyes.

I shook my head, tightening my grip on the steering wheel. "No, I'm fine." I told them both. "Just let me drive." I shifted in my seat.


"I said I'm fine!" I snapped, glancing at Kai and Stefan. The two of them looked shocked and I sighed, putting my eyes back on the road.

"No you're not." Kai said, I rolled my eyes keeping my gaze on the road. I rested my head on my hand, while placing my arm on my door. "Ri, pull over and sit in the back with me."

I continued to stare at the road. "I'm fine."

"I can't be the only one, who is not comfortable or trust worthy in Riley's driving." Stefan said. "I've already got marked by Rayna Cruz, I can't afford to be involved in a car crash."

I frowned and shrugged. "Fine. You drive, Stefan." I slammed on the breaks and all of us jerked forward. Stefan held Grayson closer and Kai brought his hand back to Grayson. There were a couple of seconds of silence until Grayson began to sob, from the impact.

"Look what you did." Kai snapped at me. I lifted my hands away from the wheel and glanced around to see Grayson.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Just get in the back." Kai interrupted, taking off his seatbelt. I took off mine and we got into the backseat while Stefan sat in the driver's seat.

Kai held Grayson in his arms to calm him down while Stefan started the car again. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed, shaking my head.

I looked at Grayson and kissed his forehead several times. "Sorry baby." I cooed, running my finger down his cheek.

Stefan's phone rang, he reached into his pocket to grab it, placing it in between his neck and shoulder to speak to whoever was on the other end.

Instead of trying to listen in, I rested my hand on the car seat and rubbed my temples. My mind was still trying to comprehend what was happening and what had happened in the last few hours.

"That was Valerie." Stefan told us, after a few minutes and looking at us through the mirror. "Jo had the baby, it's a girl." I smiled. "Her name is Elizabeth, in honour of Caroline's mom."

I glanced at Stefan. "She had a girl." I repeated, smiling.

Good for Jo and Ric. They deserved it. I thought.

"What else did she say?" Kai wondered.

"She knows of a small place where no magic can work." Stefan added. "We'll be safe there."

My eyebrows rose in curiosity and an ounce of hope. "Where is it?"

"New Orleans."


"Ri, Ri, wake up." I heard Kai say. I groaned my eyes opening as I came to meet his eyes. My head rested on his lap as he held Grayson in his arms.

Why did I fall asleep? I wondered, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I yawned.

"Where are we?" I asked Kai, looking at the window to see a petrol station and no Stefan. I glanced around. "Where's Stefan?"

"He went to get some petrol." He went quiet for a few moments then spoke. "Ri."

I hummed. "Kai."

"We still have to discuss your memories." Kai spoke in a low voice and I tensed, shifting in my seat.

I toyed with my fingers and went quiet because I didn't know how to discuss this topic.

"Kai can we not do this now."

"Then when?" He hissed, then paused to pinch the bridge of his nose. "We're on our way to New Orleans and he is there."

"I know but that doesn't mean we will see him, it's a big city."

"All of them probably know that we are on our way there." He said and I huffed because it was probably true.

"Let's just discuss it later when we have at least showered and ate."

Kai frowned but gave a short nod just as Stefan came running to the door. He practically dived into the car and I looked at him, alarmed.

"We need to leave." Stefan told us, turning the key in the ignition.


"Rayna, why else." He said quickly, reversing out of the parking space without even looking behind him. "We have to ditch this car." He began speeding down the highway and I turned around to look out the back window.

I watched the vending machine being forced through the glass door of the petrol station, scattering glass everywhere. My eyes widened when I saw her, despite it being far away I recognised that blade from anywhere.

"I flattened her tires so we have a small heads start." Stefan said as I sat back down.

I glanced over to Kai, who held Grayson with his hand on his chest, his mark. I scooted over to him and rested my head don his shoulder, he glanced at me and planted a small kiss on my forehead.

"I told you to stay, Ri." He said in a small voice. I lifted my head up to look at him properly.

"You know, I couldn't do that."

"You shouldn't have come with me, Ri."

"I'm a big girl Malachai." I kissed his cheek and smiled. "Don't worry I can look after myself."



- hope you all enjoy

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