Author's Note // Description

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Author's Note: This is NOT the final version of this story. There are still an insane amount of mistakes that I need to deal with (such as many run-on sentences, and a strange obsession with using the word "as"). Once I have finished editing out all of these such problems, I will be attempting to publish this novel. However, until then, I figured I would share the new and (slightly) improved second draft of this novel with you. 

This novel is also being retitled "Never Fade". You can see the new cover and book jacket below. 


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Gangs Aren't My Style Full Description:

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Gangs Aren't My Style Full Description:

Ally Carter did not ask for trouble, but as the sister of a gang leader, it found her nonetheless. Beneath the image of the woman she is now lie the scars that have navigated her path through life. Betrayal, from the brother she watched murder a man in cold blood. Pain, from the man who beat her to within an inch of her life and then left her for dead. And fear, at the thought of being found again. It took her three years to put this turmoil behind her but only twelve short months of deceptive calm for it to relocate her.

Now held captive within the walls of the country's fiercest gang, the nightmares that once plagued her are gradually returning. With each passing day, Ally is closer to breaking beneath the pressure of both past and present terrors. The man whose obsidian eyes haunt her at night may not resemble her brother in any way, but the parallel title of gang leader is enough to secure her silence. Despite her brother leading the very gang that imprisons her, she is determined not to reveal her true identity. No longer the same man she knew as a child, James Carter holds the power and authority to decide the course of her life and that is a capability she cannot risk him abusing. Anonymity is the only chance she has for escape and Ally will do anything to secure her freedom, even endure the suffering lent to her. She is about to learn, however, that her silence may come at too grave a price to bear.

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