Chapter 2

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Hey guys I hope you guys enjoy this story because i feel like it's going to be a nice story :) -Sarina


I woke up to the honking of cars, you get used to it after a while. I changed into my gray sweater that was a bit bigger than my actual size, black tights, and a head band with a gray flower on it. I braided my hair to a side braid and applied some make up. Once happy with the out come I decided it was time to go to work. I grabbed my house keys and walked out of my apartment, and went in the elevator. Once I got to the lobby I waved at the guy at the front desk and walked out. I saw a hot dog stand and gave the man five dollars for a hot dog. Once I got inside the office I wiped my face to make sure the mustard was gone and went inside the elevator.

I worked for one of the best designers in New York. I usually got her the things she needed, like coffee. I was just an intern but my she was nice enough to pay me for my work. I like to call her Madam Liguêê. I walked into her room after knocking and she greeted me with a smile. "Welcome, can you get me a milk shake please?" She asked, with her French accent. "Anything else?" I asked. She shook her head as I walked out the door and into the elevator. I found a milk shake place near by and quickly walked over to it. Shit, I forgot what flavor she wanted. "One chocolate strawberry blend please." I said with a smile. "That'll be 4.30$" the lady said. I paid the money and took the milkshake back to the office. I entered Madam L's office and handed her the milkshake. "This is amazing! What flavor?" She asked. "Chocolate Strawberry blend." I answered. "I might need to give you a raise because of this." She said with a smile, I smiled back in reply. The rest of the day at work went by fast and I was home before I knew it.

It was almost time to go to Louis house and I didn't think I needed to change so I just grabbed my house keys and walked out. I knocked on the door a few times before they answered. "MARIA IS HERE!" Louis yelled to inform the others. "Hey guys!" I said as I took a seat in between Zayn and a blonde, blue eyed male. I leaned into Zayn's ear to ask him who this was, maybe he knew. "Who is that?" I whispered. "Niall, Louis friend from high school." Zayn whispered back. "Hi! I'm Maria, Louis's best friend." I said to Niall. He had a friendly look and an adorable smile. I got lost in his deep sea blue eyes for a moment, before shaking my head back to reality. "Hi, I'm Niall!" He replied, we shook hands and smiled at each other. Something about him made him seem...different, good different. I got to know Niall a little bit more before Louis decided to play Truth or Dare. "Maria! I dare you to kiss Niall!" Louis blurted out, causing both Niall and I to blush. "Louis that's not fair! I get to choose!" I said. "Ugh you people and your stupid democracy!" He exclaimed, causing me to giggle. I always lived Louis humor. "Truth!" I yelled. Julia started tickling Liam out of nowhere, making us all laugh. "SHUT UP! okay Maria is it true you got pregnant?" Louis asked, he obviously knew the answer and so did everyone else, I was a virgin. "Obviously not." I replied. "Niall, truth or dare!" Asked Sasha. "Dare!" He replied. "I dare you to give Maria a Niall hug, she's never had one." She said with a grin across her face. "What's a Niall h-" before I could finish my question Niall gave me a tight yet comforting hug, probably one of the best hugs I've been given. "That's a Niall hug." Replied Niall with a smile. "I like it." I said. Who was this hottie and why was I falling for him so easily? He's just a friend. I built my walls high for a reason, so that no one could cross them. Ever since what had happened three summers ago I promised my self to never fall in love ever again. That's why I don't let my self get too close to people, and also one of the reasons I have trust issues with people.

Soon it was time to go and everyone left, leaving me and Louis together. "Do you want to sleep over?" He offered. I nodded in reply, it's dangerous to go out at midnight in New York, and it's worse if you don't have a car to drive. Louis and I have known each other since we were children so we have no problem sleeping with each other or watching the other one change, it's weird for other people to understand. We comfortably laid on the bed and I was about to fall asleep. "Did you see the way Niall looked at you?" Louis asked suddenly. "No, go to sleep." I joked as I tried yet again to fall asleep. "No seriously, I've known him for like six years and I've never seen him look at another girl like that." Louis whispered. I tried to pretend I was asleep, maybe then he would leave me alone. "Maria don't you dare pretend to sleep I know damn well you are awake." He said, I groaned and turned to face him on the bed. "I just met Niall, and you know how I feel about these things." I explained. "You and your trust issues." Louis complained and finally closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep as I did the same. Soon we were both asleep.

I woke up to a nice Saturday morning, I loved Saturdays. Louis was still asleep which means I got to wake him up. I grabbed a pillow and hit him hard on the head. "WAKE UP!" I yelled, starting to giggle. "Shut uppp..." Louis said, trying to go back to sleep as I continued hitting him with the pillow. He finally got up. "IM UP!" He yelled as I laughed even harder. "Im hungry! Feed me bitch!" I joked, rubbing my stomach. "Feed yourself, bitch!" Louis replied back, making me laugh even harder than before. We finally got up and walked over to the kitchen and grabbed microwave pasta. I'm a terrible cook. Once it was ready I placed my food in the table and took a seat, Louis doing the same. "What do you have planned for today?" I asked as I stuffed down the pasta. "First of all, don't chew with your mouth open, it's gross. And second of all, I have to go run some errands." He explained, as I giggled. "Alright then." I said.

Soon I had to leave, Louis needed to go shopping. I sat on my couch watching TV when I got a buzz from my phone. I unlocked it and checked my messages.

Niall is a beast- Wanna hang out?

I laughed at his name, I always let my friends write whatever they want for my contacts, and Niall did so. I replied with a yes and went inside my walk in closet to decide what to wear. I wore something casual and comfortable. I grabbed my keys and my bag and sat back on the couch waiting for Niall to come. Soon I heard a knock on the door, when I opened it was Niall. "Hey!" I said, he waved and replied with a friendly smile. He had the cutest little smile. He was adorable. Snap out of it Maria...

We decided to go for a walk at the park, just talking, just friends. "So, do you have a boyfriend?" He asked in his thick Irish accent. That question brought back so many unwanted memories. "N-no." I replied back, looking at the floor. "Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked. "No." He replied back. We stopped by the pond and took a seat. "I love sitting near the pond, it's where I like to write most of my songs." Niall said, looking at the pond. "You sing?" I asked, I was actually surprised. "Yeah, it's just a hobby though." He explained. We talked by the pond for hours when Niall splashed me with water for no reason. "What was that for?!" I screamed, trying not to laugh. "Im sorry?" He said, giving me an apologetic smile, oh my god he is so cute. "You will be, after I do this!" I yelled, continuously splashing him with water, making him soaking wet. "You're gonna pay for that!" He yelled back, starting a water fight.

It was getting dark out so Niall offered to drop me off home. We were by the lobby doorstep, saying our goodbyes. "I had a really fun time with you today." He whispered, making me blush. "I did too." I replied. He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush even more and causing butterflies in my stomach. He waved goodbye and left. Once I got in side i tried not to think too much of the kiss, I'm sure it was just a friendly one. I changed into my pajamas and put my hair in a high pony tail. I hopped under the covers and went to bed.

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