Chapter 23

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SSOOOOOOOOO U GUYS ARE AWESOME. That_girl98 is given dedication for this chapter because she's awesome like that :) thanks again you guys really seemed to like the last chapter and please don't be shy to message me!!! I'm really friendly and maybe a little fun once you get to know me!! Jk I'm really mean but still ;) you can also follow me on Instagram if you want to know who's the girl behind the screen writing these crappy chapters- sarina_pink is my ig and you can check the other chapters for my kik. -sarina


It was a nice peaceful morning with Niall, he had made waffles and toast for me, and after we ate we decided on watching American Horror Story; I can't watch it at night, id get too scared. I snuggled into Niall's chest when the girl went inside the basement, waiting for something to come popping out.

"Relax babe, it's just a TV show." Niall said, amused by my reaction to everything. "Yeah a scary one at that." I replied, not daring to look at the TV screen. "Well if you aren't going to watch then what's the point?" He whined, making me punch his chest lightly. "I like the show okay?" I complained. Suddenly I heard my phone ring and noticed it was Louis calling.

With everything that's been going on I haven't had a chance to talk to him, and I feel like I need to vent out, I need someone to talk to. "It's Louis, I'll be right back." I informed Niall and picked up my phone, walking into my bedroom. "Morning fatty." I heard Louis say from the other line, making me giggle. "Morning, oh my god Louis I'm so glad you called, there's so much I have to tell you about!" I said. "I already know about your dad calling, he set it up with my dad." Louis explained. "Well I had dinner with my dad last night. It was terrible." I explained, I might be exaggerating but it truly was boring, and terrible. "Why? What happened?" Louis asked, sounding concerned. I love how he can be playful yet caring.

"He got remarried apparently and has a daughter. The entire time he talked about all the things he got to do with them that he never did with me and my mom." I rambled on, walking around my bed as I talked. "You know he still cares about you right? Why else would he come all the way from across America?" Louis added, reassuring me. "I know he cares but I just want to know why he waited for so long to see me. It's been nine years Louis, you can Ignore that. He missed nine years of my life and suddenly he has the guts to see me just because my mom died, so he doesn't have to fight anymore!" I said, raising my voice a little. "Maria I know how you feel, and It's alright to be angry at him for a while, you should be. But that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve forgiveness, he's trying to reach out to you; to make up for lost time." Louis explained in a calm voice. He always knew how to make me feel better. "Thanks Lou, you're the best." I said, smiling at how amazing it is to have a friend to trust. "I know love, I'll see you soon." He added and hung up.

I walked back over to the living room to see that Niall had switched the channel to some cooking show. "Seriously?" I joked, trying to look mad. "Sorry babe, it got boring without you." He explained, giving me the puppy dog eyes as I sat back down on the couch beside him. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked Niall as he played with strands of my hair. "I dunno, let's just go to the mall or something." He shrugged. "I thought you hated shopping?" I asked, looking at him a bit amused as he looked at me a bit embarrassed. "It's fun shopping with you." He said, with a shy smile. He looked so adorable I just had to give him a kiss. "Nice save." I joked.

After I changed Niall got his car and we started driving to the mall. Once we found a place to park we got out of the car and entered the front entrance of the mall which led us into Macy's. I found some dresses that I thought I would look nice in. "What about this one?" I asked Niall, showing him the nice black dress with a navy blue bow in the middle. "You look great in anything." He whispered in my ear, holding my waist from behind. "Niall not here, we're in public." I warned, looking at the children passing by. "Let them watch then." He said, with a smug grin on his face as I quickly slapped his hand away, making him chuckle. "You're such a pervert!" I said, trying to look angry but failed miserably.

I loved Niall so much, and it is scary to admit how much I actually care for him. I spent years building my walls high and strong, trying not to feel the heart ache caused by Josh. But ever since Niall came along I felt happy again, I felt like I belong somewhere, like I have someone to care for me and love me the way I wanted to be loved all along. He makes me happy to be alive.

After shopping for a few more hours we decided to grab lunch at some fast food place near the mall. "This place is amazing!" Niall shouted, causing people to stare. "Niall calm down it's just food." I scolded. I couldn't help but smile, he looked so adorable. Before I could say something else I heard my phone buzz, when I unlocked it, I saw a text from my dad.

Greg- Leaving for Los Angeles tomorrow, accidentally got an extra plane ticket....wanna come with me?

He was asking me to visit him in Los Angeles. The thought of it made me sick to my stomach, what if his wife doesn't like me? I would have to think this through; and quick. I only had until tomorrow to decide if I wanted to go or not.

Maria- ill think about it.

I replied to the text and put my phone away. "Who was it?" Niall asked but of course I wasn't going to tell him about it yet. He would try to tag along and I don't think my "new family" meeting my boyfriend so suddenly would be such a good idea. "It was just Julie asking for fashion advice." I said, the lie slipped out of my mouth so easily. But obviously Niall knew me too well and noticed that there was something wrong, so of course he would ask. "Maria? Who was it really?" He asked. "No one, no one important at least." I said, looking down at my half eaten turkey sandwich. "Maria..." Niall said, god damn would he ever let it go? "Niall it was just my dad, he asked if i wanted to go to Los Angeles tomorrow for a week." I said, biting my lip as I waited for a reaction from Niall. "That's great, you should go." He simply said, continuing to eat his food. I love how he encouraged me to do things, and I was surprised he didn't get mad at me for lying.

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