Chapter 11

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Okay so y'all are all mad and shit bc I haven't updated all week and that's only bc I feel like this story isn't progressing well, I'm on chapter eleven and only have eighty reads so yea :/ but if you guys want me to continue and you actually enjoy this story then don't be a pussy and let me know cunt. Jk ily all sm -Sarina❤


It was finally Saturday, and I was planning on looking for a part-time job. The internship is great but I felt like I needed something else to keep me busy.

I was folding clothes when I heard a knock on the door. I folded the last shirt and put it in my dresser, then got up to answer the door.

It was Niall, and he looked cheerful, I guess Louis didn't tell him about our little fight. "Hi princess." He said with his beautiful smile, seeing him smile made me smile also. He makes me happier, and glad to be alive. "Hello handsome." I joke back, ruffling his hair as he walked in. "I was thinking we could hang at my place tonight, I could cook steak." He suggests, grabbing a chocolate bar from my table.

That didn't sound like a bad idea, I needed to spend some more time as a "couple" with Niall. "That sounds great." I said with a smile, walking into my room to turn my laptop off. Once pressing the off button I turned around to notice that Niall was behind me in my room.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered, walking towards me to get a closer look at my face. Those words brought tears to my eyes, whenever someone mentioned my mom or reminded me of her I start crying. Usual I'm quite good at hiding my feelings from someone, but for some reason it's not the same with Niall. He is different than other guys.

Niall pulled me into his arms, embracing me in a comforting hug. Just what I need right now. I love how he know exactly how to comfort me, he knew exactly what I needed at the moment.

"Don't frown princess, your tiara is falling." He whispered, leaning in for a soft, delicate kiss. His kiss always made me feel better, giving me butterfly's in my stomach.

Once I got ready to go Niall's house I got in the car with him as he started the engine, getting us on the road. "How's Louis?" He asked, looking at me for a brief moment. I'm surprised that he doesn't know about our little fight yet, I thought Louis would tell him by now. "We aren't really in touch right now." I mumbled, looking out the window. "So what do you have planned for tonight?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. "I thought that I would cook for my angel, then maybe we can watch a movie. He said with a cheeky smirk. "Sounds good Horan" I said with a giggle.

Once we walked into Niall's penthouse he helped me take off my coat and hung it up on the rack. "Do you wanna help me cook?" He offers. "Okay but I suck at cooking just so you know." I say with a light smile as he gets the ingredients out of the cabinets. "You can help me mix then!" He says with excitement.

After eating dinner we ended up cuddling on Niall's bed, talking about the most random things. "Does it ever scare you how everything moves by so fast?" I whispered, as he played with my hair. "What do you mean?" He asked with a confused look. "I mean, one day we'll grow old, have kids maybe, and then just die. Does it ever scare you how the future may not be as exciting and worth while?" I ask. "Maria you ask the weirdest questions, but no, it doesn't. I believe that whatever happens was meant to happen." He replies.

We just lay there for moments before he speaks again. "You know what's really interesting?" He whispered as I shook my head a no. "Stars are time travelers." He says, as I gave him a confused facial expression. "And where did you get that I idea from?" I smile. "Think about it, the light we see shining from the northern star is nearly four billion years old, so when we look into it, we see the past." He explains. "When did you become so smart?" I joke as he chuckles.

After talking about pointless things for what seemed like hours we finally fell asleep in each others arms.



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